INNOVATION January-February 2012
APEGBC Continuing Professional Development Personal Investment. Professional Commitment.
Alternative Energy – Current Status and Future Possibilities February 24, 2012 – Vancouver, BC
Call for Presenters Are you an expert in your eld who would like to contribute to the future of engineering and geoscience? APEGBC is actively seeking members to present on a variety of topics. Prerequisite: Solar Power – Technology and Design Seminar. This workshop will focus on PV projects siting and some design examples. Participants will learn how to use solar irradiance data for their design and systems, as well as making use of a software tool for energy analysis and system performance. regarding intellectual property between you and your employees, subcontractors, and your clients. Negotiation Skills March 9, 2012 – Surrey, BC Are you currently being underpaid for your skill and expertise? Are your customers, clients or employers more demanding and wanting more for less? Achieving success in this increasingly complex world requires a new set of core competencies, and the ability to negotiate e ectively to get your needs met is at the top of the list. Current Practice in Acid Rock Drainage Prediction Acid rock drainage (ARD) and the associated process of metal leaching (ML) can be important issues at any con- struction project where rock is exposed to owing water. This seminar will provide an introduction to the methods available to predict the reactivity of rock and the chemistry of drainage in contact with rock, and the use of the results to identify technologies to address ML/ARD. This groupmeets once amonth and is customized to the needs of sole proprietors and small rmbusiness owners. Gain valuable knowledge on how to grow a thriving business through strategies for managing nancials, maintaining prof- itability, timemanagement, riskmanagement and contracts. Solar Power – Technology & Design March 12, 2012 – Vancouver, BC Technologies for converting solar energy to other useful forms of energy will be explained. The solar energy potential in BC and Canada and the future of this technology, with emphasis on Photovoltaic/PV, will be discussed. Solar irradiance and measurement techniques and relevant calculations for overall system design will be given along with examples. E ects on CO 2 emission reduc- tion will be discussed. Participants will learn about solar energy system, components, potentials and design. Solar Power – Siting & Systems Design March 13, 2012 – Vancouver, BC March 9, 2012 – Vancouver, BC April 4, 2012 – Kamloops, BC Business Development Group March 12, 2012 – Vancouver, BC
extended-periodsimulations,sewer loadallocation,andmodel calibrationwillbepresented.Participantswillbecomefamiliar withEPA-SWMM(transportcompartmentonly)andusethe softwaretoreinforceconceptswiththeworkshopproblems. The Complete Engineer – Protocol for Building Business Relationships March 2, 2012 – Vancouver, BC For the engineering and geoscience professionals, the ability to communicate and network e ectively can boost your pro le and engender better business alliances and connections for mutual bene t.This session will enhance both your personal and professional life by providing you with some simple strategies to quickly build rapport with others, overcome shyness, start small talk and take it to BIG talk, and enter and exit conversations with nesse. Project Management: A Team Approach March 5 & 6, 2012 – Vancouver, BC This workshop is intended for managers, supervisors, specialists and sta who are involved in, or expect to be involved in, projects of any size or type, either as a leader or as a team member. The concepts presented apply to projects of all sizes and types, from physical construction to softer projects such as changing the work process in a department. Law and Ethics March 5 & 6, 2012 – Vancouver, BC Learn about the key points of Law and Ethics that are critical to your practice as a professional engineer or geoscientist.This seminar will provide an overview of occupational health and safety, employment law, practical law, the professions, practice review, APEGBC’s discipline and enforcement process, code of ethics, and case studies. Stormwater Management Impact Analysis This seminar will provide an introduction to analyti- cal techniques and methodologies that can be used to quantify impacts and impact reduction methodologies. Engineers and geoscientists working in urban infrastruc- ture planning and design and the land development industry will nd this seminar of particular value. Practical Intellectual Property Strategies for Engineers and Geoscientists March 8, 2012 – Vancouver, BC or via Webcast This seminar will delve into the practical details of managing intellectual property, focusing on the own- ership of IP, mitigating IP-related risk, and acquiring and using IP, with a focus on trade secrets, copyright and patents. Participants of this seminar will under- stand how to recognize and resolve ownership issues March 6, 2012 – Kelowna, BC May 1, 2012 – Nanaimo, BC May 30, 2012 – Surrey, BC
The need for alternative energy and technologies with emphasis on renewable energy sources will be explained. The energy potential of these sources with their e ects on CO 2 emission reduction will be discussed.The path and challenges from existing energy technology status and sectors to the future ones will be discussed. Participants will learn about potential opportunities for engineering work and their contributions in the global energy sector. Erosion & Sediment Control – Fundamentals, Best Management Practices & Innovations February 27, 2012 – Vancouver, BC This seminar is a comprehensive one day classroom-based session. It will detail the current state of the industry as well as recent innovations and advances. The session will overview the theory, fundamentals and causes of erosion and sedimentation, but focus on the reasons for poor ESC practices and performances that are so prevalent today and how to achieve the results we need. Advanced Erosion & Sediment Control: Designing Plans & Managing Sites that Work February 28, 2012 – Vancouver, BC This seminar is an advanced level classroom-based course. It will provide tools for designers, reviewers, and site managers to develop and review e ective erosion and sedi- ment control drawings, speci cations, and contracts. It will review the appropriate legislation, regulations and bylaws, and focus on the appropriate selection and implementa- tion of best management practices. It will explore the site conditions that impact ESC choices, as well as discuss the phasing and staging of ESC plans. Participants will use their knowledge to develop site-speci c, adaptive, e cient and e ective ESC plans for the real world. Current Interruption Transients in AC Power Systems February 28 to March 1, 2012 – Vancouver, BC This advanced course covers the origin and derivation of the transient recovery voltage requirements for circuit breakers applied for fault clearing and the switching of inductive and capacitive loads. The course rst develops the fundamental concepts involved following current interruption including oscillatory circuits, symmetrical components and travelling waves. Hydraulic Modeling of Sanitary Sewer Collection Systems February 29, 2012 – Vancouver, BC Thisseminarbeginswiththebasicsofhydraulictheoryas it appliestosewercollectionmodeling,andthentakespartici- pantsthroughthesanitarysewerdatamodel.Steady-state,
For a complete listing of events or for more information, visit or contact APEGBC Professional Development at 604. 430.8035 or 1.888.430.8035.
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