INNOVATION January-February 2012
m ember sh i p
content s p r o f e s s i ona l s e r v i ce
NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2011 [ VOl .15 nO .3]
J D goodridge eit Civil (Civil EngTech UBC Okanagan’09, BEng Lakehead ‘11) B a gould eit Civil (BSc Alberta ‘08) D p grant eit Civil (BASc UBC ‘11) a C gray eit Mechanical (BASc UBC ‘11) n a greuter eit Civil (BSc Alberta ‘11) C haligva eit Chemical (BASc UBC ‘11) J D hamilton eit Mechani- cal (BScEng Queen’s ‘10) D a harris eit Civil (MEng(Hons) Wales, Cardiff ‘08) a J hoyle eit Mechanical (BASc SFU ‘11) e a hughes eit Mining (BASc UBC ‘11) a m iammatteo eit Chemi- cal (BEng Ryerson ‘11) s io eit Mechanical (DiplTech BCIT’09, BEng BCIT ‘11) m ip eit Chemical (BASc UBC ‘11) m r Johnson eit Mining (BSc Queen’s ‘09) t e kalla eit Mechanical (BASc UBC ‘11) k s kanda eit Mechanical (BASc UBC ‘11) s J kimball eit/git Geological (MASc UBC ‘10, BSc(Eng) Queen’s ‘07) k t kimura eit Engineering Physics (BASc UBC ‘11) m a knab eit Chemical (BSc McMaster ‘11) m lachance‑ricard eit Bioresource (BEng McGill, Montreal ‘08, MEng UBC ‘11) a w law eit Engineering Physics (BASc UBC ‘07, MEng McGill, Montreal ‘10) D J ledderhof eit Agricul- ture (BEng Guelph ‘08, MSc Brock ‘11) B J lee eit Electrical (BASc UBC ‘10) V lefebvre eit Mechanical (BASc UBC ‘10) g li eit Mechanical (BSc Manitoba ‘06, MEng Manitoba ‘06) t li eit Metallurgical (MASc UBC ‘08, BEng Beijing U of Science and Tech ‘04) i y lin eit Chemical (BSc UBC ‘09, MEng UBC ‘11) C l luszczek eit Mechani- cal (BASc Ottawa ‘10) t l k macpherson eit Envi- ronmental (BEng Carleton ‘11) m h mahdavinia eit Civil (BASc UBC ‘11) l m makischuk eit Electri- cal (BASc Ottawa ‘07)
20 19 r m olson eit Engineering Physics (BScE Saskatche- wan ‘11, BSc Saskatchewan ‘04) J C o’reilly eit Structural (BScHons Edinburgh ‘09, MSc Edinburgh ‘11) m t otterman eit Geological (BASc UBC ‘11) m r paquin eit Mining (BSc Alberta ‘11) a n porritt eit Mechanical (BASc UBC ‘11) g J poulos eit Civil (BASc(Hons) Waterloo ‘11) m puzanauskas eit Civil (BEng(Hons) Brighton ‘11) l a Quintero eit Civil (MASc UBC ‘11, DiplCivil Eng Los Andes, Colombia ‘07) r rabiei‑talkhoncheh eit Mechanical (BASc Toronto ‘08) m razmhosseini eit Civil (MSc Cardiff Inst of Higher Education ‘08, BEng Cardiff Inst of Higher Education ‘06) B t reid eit Mechanical (BEng BCIT’05) D B reimer eit Civil (BASc UBC Okanagan’11) r shir‑giri eit Civil (MEng UBC ‘11, MEng(Hons) Birmingham ‘09) 38 e maleki aghcheh kandi eit Mechanical (BEng Victoria ‘11) s D manuel eit Electrical (BASc UBC Okanagan’11, BBA Thompson Rivers U Open Learning ‘06) s m masterman eit Civil (MEng(Hons) Nottingham ‘06) w a mathieson eit Mining (BScEng Queen’s ‘11) a D maynard eit Chemical (BSc Calgary ‘10) C s mcDiarmid eit Engi- neering Physics (BASc UBC ‘08) m o midiang’a eit Mechanical (BEng Victoria ‘11) m m mirski eit Engineering Physics (BASc UBC ‘11) e e moase eit Geological (BSc(Eng) Queen’s ‘11) C a morrissey eit Electrical (BEng BCIT’11) B movaffagh eit Chemical (BSc Alberta ‘09) m g mueller eit Geological (BASc UBC ‘11) h y mui eit Mechanical (BASc UBC ‘11) a J nelder eit Electrical (BEng Victoria ‘10) B l t ng eit Civil (BASc UBC ‘11) C J nichols eit Computer (BSc(Eng) Manitoba ‘08) 24 28 33 4 8 13 15 18
Client oriented. Solution driven.
Geomorphology in a Digital Age Dr Richard Guthrie PGeo
Mining, Sustainability and the Human Component Jean Sorensen Engineering Project Management Geomatics
Improving Hydrofracing of Low Permeability Reservoirs through a Better Understanding of Geology and In-situ Stresses Dr R Marc Bustin PGeo, Dr Erik Eberhardt PEng, Neda Zangeneh Dynamics of Mountain Rivers: Insights from Physical Models David S Luzi GIT, Sarah Davidson, Dr Brett Eaton PGeo mining and minerals ports and marine terminals
wood products
AD 563 - BC Innovation AD
President’s Viewpoint – A Regulatory Leader
Association Notes – Forest Engineering Award of Excellence; APEGBC Challenges Air Photo Library Closure; 2012 Release for New BC Building Code; Project Highlights: Call for Submissions; DEGIRS Bursary; Seeking Expressions of Interest for New Energy Division; Staff Appointments TEX T
Practical Solutions.
Tel: 604 637 2275
#380 - 2925 Virtual Way, Vancouver, BC V5M 4X5
Council Report – February 11, 2011
ON THE COVER: The Bugaboo range in southeastern BC’s Purcell Mountains. In this issue of Innovation , we look at current research and topics in earth science. Photo: ©iStockphoto. com/ZargonDesigns. olD TEX T
Duty of Professional Engineers to Take Reasonable Care
Geoscientists Canada – Moving Forward on PGeo Registration in Canada
Burnaby/New Westminster Branch Gaining Momentum
Removals for Non-payment of Annual Fee
depar tment s
geomorphology in a Digital age 20 Guiding the Evolution 40
6 Newsmakers 14 APEGBC Professional Development 40 Membership
EBA,A Tetra Tech Company, offers engineering and environmental services focusing on the transportation, mining, energy and development sectors. With Tetra Tech, our capacity extends to every province and territory in Canada with 3,800 employees and over 12,000 employees world wide.
42 Professional Services 46 Careers 47 Datebook
CONSULTING ENGINEERS Providing multi-discipline services to our clients for over 25 years. T: 604-270-7728 E:
• Richmond • Parksville • Prince George • Calgary
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