INNOVATION January-February 2012
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FEB13/12. DINNERMEETING - MECHATRONICS. APEGBC Fraser Valley Branch presents this dinner meting on mechatronics. Speakers: Dr Andreas Huster PEng, Lead Electrical Engineer, Oceanworks International, will be speaking about “Mechatronics in Submarine Rescue Support”; Dr Carolyn Sparrey PEng, Assistant Professor, School of Engineering Science, Simon Fraser University will be speaking on “Mechatronics Engineering at Simon Fraser University. Time: 6:10-9:00 pm. Location: Surrey City Centre Library. Cost: $30 for members and guests who pre-register, $35 for late registrations at the door, $30 for EIT/GITs and retired members, $20 for MAPS (students). Registration/ Information: FEB16/12. BREAKFAST SEMINAR–BCPLACESTADIUM. The Vancouver Branch presents this breakfast seminar on the erection of the newBC Place stadium roof. Speaker: Michael Schmaus MSc PEng, Design Engineer for Buckland & Taylor. Michael was in charge of the erection engineering of the New BC Place Roof in Vancouver. Buckland & Taylor’s scope of work was to analyze and to verify the construction stages and to design the 70 m high central tower. Other tasks included the independent check of cable unstressed lengths and geometry control services. Time: 7-9 am. Location: Hyatt Regency Vancouver. Cost: Members $60; Guests $65; MAPS Members: $25. Seating is limited so please register ASAP. Registration/Information: FEB21/12. VICTORIABRANCH SOCIAL EVENT. Canoe Club and Games Night hosted by the APEGBC Victoria Branch. Please note: This event is scheduled for February 21 or February 22 subject to availability of venue. Details TBC. Information: FEB22-23/12. INTERNATIONALCONFERENCEONSTORMWATERANDURBANSYSTEMS MODELING. This annual conference is a forum for professionals fromacross North America and overseas to exchange ideas and experience on current practices and emerging technologies. This conference is for engineers, scientists, modelers and administrators involved in water pollution control and water systems design and analysis. Topics include hydrology, hydraulics, water quality and receiving waters, from precipitation processes, runoff, pollutant build-up, washoff, surcharging pipe networks, and water distribution systems, to pollutant removal and impacts on aquatic ecosystems. Location: Toronto, ON. Registration/Information: FEB 25/12. POPSICLE STICK BRIDGE BUILDING CONTEST AND GEO ROCKS EVENT. In celebration of National Engineering and Geoscience Month, the Central Interior Branch is pleasedtohosttheannualUltimatePopsicleStickBridgeBuildingContestandGeoRocksEvent. Location: Pine CentreMall, Prince George. Registration/Information: ci/ FEB 25/12. POPSICLE STICK BRIDGE BUILDING CONTEST. In celebration of National Engineering and Geoscience Month, the Peace River Branch is hosting a Popsicle Stick Bridge Building Competition at RL Angus Elementary School, Fort Nelson. Registration/Information: MAR 2/12. SPAGHETTI BRIDGE BUILDING. Hosted by the Kelowna Campus of Okanagan College. Information: spaghettibridge.html. MAR 3/12. E-FEST. The APEGBC Vancouver Branch hosts the 16 th Annual E-Fest during National Engineering and GeoscienceMonth. This one-day event is a great opportunity for people in the community to see, through colourful exhibits and displays, how the many facets of engineering and geoscience affect everyday life. Location: Central Branch, Vancouver Public Library. Information: MAR 3/12. POPSICLE STICK BRIDGE BUILDING CONTEST. Hosted by Fraser Valley Branch, the Popsicle Stick Bridge Building Contest is an excellent activity for young people to learn about applied sciences and have fun! The contest is open to students in Grades 5–9, either individually or in a team. Please note: A workshop on how to build bridges from Popsicle sticks will be held on Saturday, February 18 at 10 am. Time: 10 am-1 pm. Location: Kwantlen Polytechnic University, Langley Campus. Registration deadline: February 23, 2012. Cost: $5. Registration/Information:
MAR 6/12. SEMINAR FOR INTERNATIONALLY TRAINED ENGINEERS. Are you looking to get licensed in BC? Do you have questions about the registration process? Are you aware of the different options available to you? Attend this evening seminar and get your questions answered. Time: 7-9 pm. Location: Central Branch, Vancouver Public Library. Cost: Free. Registration/Information: MAR 10/12. POPSICLE STICK BRIDGE BUILDING CONTEST. The Peace River Branch is pleasedtohosttheannualPopsicleStickBridgeBuildingCompetition.Location:NorthPeace Secondary School, Fort St John. Registration/Information: MAR 10/12. POPSICLE STICK BRIDGE BUILDING CONTEST. The Sea to Sky branch hosts its Popsicle Stick Bridge Building Competition. Location: Senior Centre, Sechelt. Registration/Information: MAR 14-16/12. GLOBE 2012. Every two years, the world gathers in Vancouver for three days of thought-leading sessions presented by world-renowned sustainability experts. See leading-edge environmental innovations, and participate in unparalleled global networking opportunities. Registration / Information : MAR 30/12. POPSICLE STICK BRIDGE BUILDING CONTEST. The Peace River Branch hosts its annual Popsicle Stick Bridge Building Competition. Location: Tumbler Ridge Elementary School, Tumbler Ridge. Registration/Information: v All successful applicants for professional engineering and geoscience positions in British Columbia will require membership, or eligibility and application for membership, with APEGBC.
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