INNOVATION January-February 2014

Motion 2. That Council consider formalizing a policy that neither the President nor any other elected members of Council are able to be remunerated for their service and that the President, Past President, and elected members of Council continue to be volunteer positions. Motion Carried Moved by John Haythorne, P.Eng., FEC/Seconded by Paul Blanchard, P.Eng., FEC, FGC (Hon.). As the issue of remuneration for members of Council is in the process of being considered by the Governance Committee, Council has referred the motion to the Governance Committee for consideration in their deliberations with a request to report back to Council in due course. Engineers Canada Engineers Canada has indicated that they would like to strengthen their

Council Reviews AGMMotions Two motions from APEGBC members were carried at the 2013 Annual General Meeting and were considered by Council at their November meeting: Motion 1. That Council consider the forming of a working committee with the task of developing policy and guidelines to incorporate archaeological impact studies for members engaged in certain projects involving ground altering activities. This is to bring engineering practice in compliance with BC’s Heritage Conservation Act. Motion Carried Moved by Bill Wai-Kwong Chu, P.Eng./ Seconded by Yui D. Chan, P.Eng. Council will refer the matter to the Director of Professional Practice, Standards, and Development who provided a report at the January 24, 2014, Council meeting outlining options for action.

communication and connection with constituent associations, and has requested recommendations for policy improvements from APEGBC Council. The Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board (CEAB) is transitioning its process from using Academic Units to using Graduate Attributes to evaluate programs. This is similar to APEGBC’s change to using outcomes-based assessment for evaluation of work experience for members-in-training. New guidelines were approved for constituent associations to use in regards to admission to the practice of professional engineering in Canada, Engineer-in-Training Program, and Professional Practice Examination. Engineers Canada launched their new website on November 5, 2013.

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