INNOVATION January-February 2014

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permit applications for Part 3 and Part 9 non-residential buildings within the city’s jurisdiction.

will soon be made available across Canada to jurisdictions tracking compliance and building energy data. Jurisdictions are to contact NRCan directly to receive a version capable of customizing the AHJ Data Sheet portion to suit their energy requirements. Greg McCall, P.Eng., is an Energy Policy Specialist with the City of Vancouver. He is involved with energy policy and process development, industry training, and energy reviews of building

For more information on energy requirements for Vancouver buildings, please review the City of Vancouver’s energy webpage at or contact Greg McCall, P.Eng., at the City of Vancouver at 604.873.7531.

p ract i ce ma t ter s

New Energy Requirements and Their Impact on Professional Responsibilities Gilbert Larocque, CD, P.Eng., LLB; Associate Director, Professional Practice

With the still-recent introduction of the BC Building Code 2012 and the soon-to-be-released Vancouver Building By-law 2014 , APEGBC members and licensees will undoubtedly notice a greater emphasis on energy conservation, the harmonization of energy and ventilation standards, and the introduction of new or enhanced design data and checklist submission requirements by various Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJs). The provisions of the National Energy Code of Canada for Buildings (NECB 2011) are now enshrined in the Building Code 2012 and By-law 2014; professionals should therefore expect much closer examination and enforcement of the ASHRAE 90.1 – 2010 and NECB 2011 requirements. APEGBC members and li- censees should be evermore aware of the responsibility they take

in completing and submitting their design data and checklists. Many local governments ascertain that their reviews of submis- sions made by professionals do not constitute an acceptance of li- ability by the AHJs. Some AHJs simply do not have the resources to carry out more than a cursory review for the sole purpose of accepting submissions, especially where a new standard is being introduced. The new Building Code 2012 and By-law 2014 are the law, and compliance is a professional obligation, regard- less of the level of review by the local AHJ. In accordance with the APEGBC Quality Management Guidelines – Documented Checks of Engineering and Geoscience Work, members and licensees must carry out appropriate checks and, where relevant, independent checks must be implemented. Article of the

Guidelines makes specific reference to work that uses innovative rather than established methods as requir- ing independent checks. APEGBC also considers design data and checklist submissions that contain engineering work to be documents delivered by members and licensees in their professional capacity, or prepared under their direct supervision. In accordance with the Engineers and Geoscien- tists Act and the APEGBC Quality Management Guidelines – Use of the APEGBC Seal, such documents must be sealed. The introduction of the Building Code 2012 and the Vancouver Building By-law 2014 will propel the Province of British Columbia and the City of Vancouver into a lead position when it comes to energy conservation—a position that will rely greatly on the professional input of APEGBC members and licensees.

Bull Housser’s lawyers have been trusted to handle some of the largest developments and transactions in British Columbia’s history. Today we have more than 30 areas of expertise, including core BC industries and specialty areas, and remain focused on reaching effective resolutions for our clients. We apply creative approaches to deliver solutions that are practical and cost-efficient. We’ve been around for over a century, but we’re just getting started...

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