INNOVATION January-February 2015

as soc ia t ion notes c ounc i l repor t

Competency Profile for Professional Geoscientists at Entry to Practice Council adopted in principle Geoscientists Canada’s Competency Profile for Professional Geoscientists at Entry to Practice as the foundational document that describes entry-to- practice competency for professional geoscientists. The pro- file is not in itself an assessment tool, but sets outs in general terms what the profession as a whole accepts nationally as the competencies necessary for safe, effective and ethical geosci- ence practice. It was developed by the Canadian Geoscience Standards Board (CGSB) and adopted by Geoscientists Canada at their November board meeting. APEGBC members, staff, and the Geoscience and Registration committees were consulted throughout the development of the profile. As it has a successful competency assessment tool in place, APEGBC expects to play a key role in the CGSB’s future work to determine the model for assess- ment of these competencies. Council-Branch Pairings Members of Council were assigned to APEGBC branches. The councillor-branch pairings facilitate communication between the branches and Council by providing the branch executives with one or two councillors that they can contact concerning Council matters. While councillors are not required to attend all branch events, they participate when they can and are placed on the branch’s emailing list for upcoming meetings. Public Opinion Survey Results Presented To support its role as a public safety regulator, as well as the work it does on public awareness of the contributions of engi- neers and geoscientists, APEGBC conducts a public opinion survey every three years. This survey gauges public awareness and perceptions of the engineering and geoscience professions; public awareness and perceptions of APEGBC; and perceived barriers to careers in the professions. The most recent public opinion survey was conducted in fall 2014, and the results were presented to Council at its November meeting. More informa- tion on the survey is available on page 22.

Nominating Committee Terms of Reference Amended Council approved updates to the Nominating Committee terms of reference to align with recent bylaw amendments. In October, members approved amendments to Bylaw 3 that removed the requirement for disciplinary diversity on the can- didate slate, enhanced the overall requirement for diversity on the candidate slate, required the appointment of both a P.Eng. and a P.Geo. to the Nominating Committee, and increased the number of council appointees to the committee from 12 to 14.

APPOINTMENTS Building Codes Committee Emmanuel Domingo, P.Eng. Consulting Practice Committee Randall Hillaby, P.Eng. Discipline Committee Frank Denton, PEng, FEC, FGC (Hon) Elevator Subcommittee Michael Chadney, P.Eng. Timothy Brown, P.Eng. Houssam Hamze Albert Leung, Architect AIBC Wah Hong Cheung, P.Eng. Thomas Leung, P.Eng., Struct. Eng., FEC Emilia Mazzonna, P.Eng. Investigation Committee Andy Mill, P. Eng., Struct. Eng., FEC Mentoring Committee Keith Recsky, P.Eng. Bob Gill, P.Eng.

Nominating Committee Dr. Michael Isaacson, P.Eng. FEC Dr. Catherine Hickson, P.Geo. Mr. Chris Newcomb, P.Eng., FEC Dick Fletcher, P.Eng., FEC, FGC (Hon.) Doug Barry, P.Eng. Registration Committee David Harvey, P.Eng., Struct. Eng., FEC Standing Awards Committee David Harvey, P.Eng., Struct. Eng., FEC Sustainability Committee Canisius Chan, P.Eng. Geoscientists Canada Garth Kirkham, P.Geo., FGC – Director Shiloh Carlson, P.Eng. Dr. Martin Fandrich, P.Eng.

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