INNOVATION January-February 2021


What Rogak and Wang discovered might surprise you. For example, it turns out that a number of the fabrics that are best at stopping droplets and aerosols from getting out or in—including ones recommended by the WHO—are not necessarily the best for us to wear, for a number of reasons. “We tested 41 fabrics that you could potentially use for a face mask,” said Rogak, including natural and synthetic fabrics of varying types, such as cut pile (velvet or fleece, for example), knit, woven, and non- woven (including paper and polypropylene),“by placing a circular piece of fabric inside a sealed container and then sending a stream of air containing aerosol particles through the fabric filter. We knew that almost any cloth mask would capture large droplets when someone exhales or speaks, so we were focussing on smaller particles, aerosols, in the 1 to 5-micron range. Advice to the public on masks has changed radically in the last year based on emerging research, and researchers still do not fully understand what size of respiratory particles we need to be most concerned about, but it now appears unlikely that particles below 3 microns have a major role in transmission.” This may change, however, Wang warned, “with the new mutation strains that are more contagious.” The testing process included using an ultrasonic mesh nebulizer to transform a saline solution into an aerosol, then passing the aerosol through an x-ray neutralizer to reduce the electrical charges on the aerosol particles, because they can make filtration artificially easy. A digital manometer then measured the pressure drop as the aerosol flowed through the fabric filter at a rate mimicking normal or moderate breathing: the more pressure lost going through the filter, the more difficult it would be to breathe. Finally, an optical particle sizer determined the


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Mask Fibres

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Aerosol Particle


Interception Large Particles

Impaction Interception Largest Particles

Diffusion Small Particles

Electrostatic All Particles

The mechanisms of mask filtration include impaction, interception, diffusion, and electrostatic attraction. F igure : D r . T imothy A. S ipkens .

aerosol size distribution before and after the filter, “and by the difference,” said Rogak, “ we knew what particles had been removed by the fabric.” Unexpectedly, it turned out that densely woven fabrics, such as high-thread count cotton, silk, and polyester satins do not perform as well as looser weaves of cotton. “These fabrics may filter well but they are not very breathable,” said Wang. “They are poorly tolerated when worn tightly around the face and so you know people would be pulling them down, exposing their noses. The good news, though, is that there are a lot of simple fabrics that filter well, do a good job

of wicking away moisture, and are also very breathable,” including inexpensive 40- to 50-thread count quilter’s cotton, preferably double-knit, for both the inner and outer layer. (The team ruled out the WHO’s recommendation for a waterproof outer layer. “A good idea,” said Rogak, “but most people outside a hospital will never be exposed to the kinds of large droplets that would necessitate that kind of fabric.”) Thicker fabrics, like wools, also block significant aerosol transmission, but are uncomfortably warm to breathe through and too difficult to keep clean. Thicker fabrics can also make a proper fit around the

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The efficacy of masks depend partly on the materials. The top two photos are the fibres of a cotton knit jersey. The bottom two photos are

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the fibres of dried babywipes. P hotos : D r . S teven R ogak , P.E ng .

N95 masks and other material samples. P hoto : C lare K iernan .

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