INNOVATION July-August 2013

as soc ia t ion notes c ounc i l repor t

landslide risk. Current provincial legislation does not present adequate information for practitioners to apply a consistent approach, leading to local governments independently developing natural hazard regulations that are inconsistent between various areas across the province. In response to a motion put forward on this topic at the 2012 APEGBC AGM, an advisory group of subject matter experts was formed to consider this issue, and their recommendations were approved by Council. Work will begin shortly with government officials. Enforcement Strategy Approved for 2013-2016 APEGBC’s Enforcement strategy focuses on reducing the incidence of unregistered practice of engineering and geoscience in BC. The program aims to improve the association’s ability to identify unregistered practice; reduce unregistered practice in the public sector, academia and senior industry employees; and increase internal collaboration to identify unregistered individuals. The existing Enforcement Strategy has demonstrated success in several ways. Review of mineral disclosure reports for BC properties has enabled proactive outreach to individuals possibly undertaking unregistered practice, and has led to the registration of 25 individuals since July 2012. Discussions with geoscientists employed by the Geological Survey of Canada have identified potential barriers to, as well as incentives for, professional registration. Formalized agreements and strengthened relationships with other regulators, including the British Columbia Securities Commission and the BC Oil and Gas Commission have also supported this work. The 2013-2016 Enforcement Strategy will continue to pursue these goals and will also focus on examining disincentives to registration, engagement opportunities and outreach work with additional sectors.

of an initiative specifically relating to gender diversity in the professions in the development of the 2014-2017 Strategic Plan. Council applauded the Women in Engineering and Geoscience Task Force for their work. Council Examines Issue of Association Relevance Council has recently undertaken work to examine the relevance of APEGBC to its members, the public and other stakeholders by identifying potential threats and opportunities that may impact the relevance of APEGBC now and in the future. Four workshops were organized to examine these issues in depth, involving members and non- members from a diverse range of disciplines and the public. Several recurring themes were brought to light during the workshops, including promotion of the professions, support for quality management programs, and increasing the engagement of emerging disciplines. Council will receive a full report on these workshops for further discussion and action at their September 2013 Planning Session. Bylaws Approved for Ratification by Members At their May meeting, Council approved proposed amendments to three association bylaws addressing governance and recognition processes for limited licensees. Together with two other bylaws previously approved by Council (Alternative Complaint Resolution and the removal of the eight year time limit for EITs/GITs), these proposed amendments will be put before the membership for ratification this fall. (See page 8 for more information on the proposed bylaw changes.) APEGBC to Approach Government on Assessment of Acceptable Level of Landslide Risk APEGBC will be engaging the provincial government on establishing a level of acceptable

APEGBC’s Council of elected members and government appointees meet throughout the year to conduct the business of association governance. The following are highlights of the May 3 and June 14, 2013 Council meetings.

Operating Budget Approved The 2013/2014 APEGBC operating budget was approved by Council at their May meeting following extensive review by the APEGBC Executive Committee. The budget reflects efficiencies across association programs, including building operations, government relations, publications, exams and operational costs. Efficiencies in 12 different areas of operation enabled the inclusion of several new program initiatives, including programs examining association relevance, women in engineering and geoscience and increased support for APEGBC outreach and public relations. The approved budget will result in an operating deficit of $114,000. Funds from the general operating fund will be used to mitigate the deficit. Report on Gender Imbalance in Engineering and Geoscience Received by Council At the June meeting of Council, Councillor Donna Howes, P.Eng., presented the final report of the Women in Engineering and Geoscience Task Force. The Task Force was established in March 2013 to identify the causes of the gender imbalance in engineering and geoscience and to recommend actions APEGBC could undertake to mitigate this imbalance. (For more information about the Women in Engineering and Geoscience Task Force report, see page 9.) Council will receive an annual report on the initiatives undertaken and progress made towards improving gender diversity, and will be considering the inclusion


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