INNOVATION July-August 2015

as soc ia t i on notes c ounc i l repor t

Retention of Women in Engineering and Geoscience Council received a report on “Fostering Diversity and Inclusiveness – A Call to Action ,” which highlighted four priority items: 1) best practices guidance for businesses; 2) recruitment of female students; 3) measuring and reporting success; and 4) taking a more active role to partner with industry and institutions to foster workplace diversity and inclusiveness. Staff was directed to create a draft plan to explore how these priority areas could be supported. Council voted to discuss the issue of enhancing diversity at its next strategic planning session. Climate Change Advisory Group 2014/2015 Annual Report The annual report of the activities of the Climate Change Advisory Group was presented to Council. Activities during the past year have focused on member education and outreach; discussion of a mitigation position paper; the Professional Practice Guidelines- Incorporating Climate Resilience in the Design of Public Infrastructure Resilience with the BC Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure; and the BC APEGBC and the Association of Mineral Exploration of British Columbia’s interests overlap in a number of areas and the two organizations have signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to better engage and support APEGBC members working in the mineral exploration industry, particularly professional geoscientists. Branch Engagement Report Branches play a fundamental role in increasing member engagement in the association and also support and drive member engagement in variety of ways. Council received a report on the activities of APEGBC branches from January 23 to May 30, 2015. During this time, branches reported engaging more than 1,550 elementary and high school students, more than double in the previous reporting period. The Northern Branch and Peace River Branch were responsible for two-thirds of this engagement, and the Central Interior, Richmond/Delta, Vancouver and Tri-City branches were also active in this area. Branches also continued their support of the Mentoring Program as well as outreach to university students. During this time, 21 successful events were hosted by the branches, attracting more than 700 attendees. Committee Terms of Reference Approved Council has approved housekeeping updates to the Executive Committee, Governance Committee and Fairness Panel Terms of Reference to better to reflect current practice, as well as for consistency with the format and standard wording approved by the Governance Committee. Provincial Climate Change Working Group. APEGBC Approves MOU with AMEBC

Revised CPD Bylaw Approved for Member Vote in Fall 2015, Reporting Compliance Process Articulated Council has approved an updated proposed professional development bylaw for member ratification. This bylaw would commit practising APEGBC members to a formal professional development program with reporting requirements. The revised bylaw reflects feedback received from members during a five-month long consultation process. Changes include: 1) fewer hours required; 2) enhanced flexibility; 3) simplified and streamlined categories of activity; and 4) changes to accommodate the needs of members who work part-time, are semi- retired or underemployed. At the meeting, Council also approved a process for bylaw compliance, which would involve a series of four separate notifications and reminders to report professional development hours. The bylaw will be going forward for a membership vote in the fall of 2015. For more information, see page 10 or visit the CPD bylaw information website at Request for Proposed Legislative Amendments to Proceed Council reviewed stakeholder consultation results and recommendations for eight proposed amendments to the Engineers and Geoscientists Act and decided to proceed with a request to the Ministry of Advanced Education for these changes. For more information regarding the proposed Act changes, see page 14, or visit the legislative amendment information website at apeg. New Professional Guidelines for Expert Witnesses APEGBC professionals are sometimes called to act as expert witnesses in legal proceedings. A review by APEGBC staff found that the existing APEGBC guidance material on this subject needed to be brought up-to-date. In response, APEGBC Council has now approved new Professional Guidelines – Expert Witnesses , pending editorial amendment, to clarify the role and requirements of expert witnesses in legal proceedings. Council has also approved cancellation of the existing Bulletin L: The Engineer as an Expert Witness and Bulletin L-1: The Role of the Expert Witness . APEGBC’s Council of elected members and government representatives meets throughout the year to conduct the business of association governance. The following are the highlights of the June 19, 2015 meeting.


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