INNOVATION July-August 2018

determined that Applicant B cannot reapply for membership before 18 months from the date of the decision. The Registrar found that Applicant B knowingly sought to circumvent the examination requirements and repeatedly attempted to deceive the association on repeated occasions. For these reasons, the Registrar decided that Applicant B had not discharged the burden of satisfying the association that Applicant B is of good character and repute nor offering any evidence that demonstrated good character. Applicants who were denied membership for failing to meet the statutory requirements for good character and good repute, may reapply and gain admission to membership or licence at a later date, provided they can demonstrate that they have rehabilitated or redeemed their character. To that end, the Registrar suggested that Applicant B complete several modules of the association’s Working in Canada Seminar before reapplying. The full text of the Registrar’s decision can be found on the Good Character Requirement and Registration Hearings section of the association’s website. The association’s website also contains information on requirements for registration and licence. For further information regarding registration or licence, those interested are invited to contact Registration Support at 604.412.4856 or by email at j Engineers and Geoscientists BC’s website ( ) contains information on the complaint, investigation, and discipline process. You can contact us at 604.558.6647 or toll-free at 1.888.430.8035 ext. 6647, or by email at

may refer the applicant to Council for a decision on the applicant’s suitability for registration or licence. A Registration Hearing is then convened and adjudicated by the Registrar, to decide whether the applicant possess the required good character and good repute. Engineers and Geoscientists BC issued a Notice of Hearing to Applicant B, in September 2017, regarding his conduct in relation to a course examination offered by the Structural Engineers Association of British Columbia (SEABC). The Notice of Hearing alleged that Applicant B had: 1. offered an inducement to a member of Engineers and Geoscientists BC, who was entrusted with proctoring the examination, in an attempt to obtain it prior to the time Applicant B was scheduled to write it; 2. asked a junior colleague who was expected to proctor the same examination for another examinee to provide Applicant B with the examination prior to the time he was scheduled to write it; 3. accepted the examination from the junior colleague and reviewed it prior to the scheduled time for writing the examination; and 4. violated the condition that the examination be completed within two hours. A Registration Admissions Hearing was held on December 11, 2017. The Registrar heard evidence from witnesses and Applicant B in relation to the

allegations set out in the Notice of Hearing. On May 28, 2018, the Registrar issued a decision and determined that Applicant B had (i) attempted to secure an advance copy of the examination by offering an inducement to a member of the association, (ii) knowingly attempted to circumvent examination requirements by obtaining a copy of the examination from a junior colleague; and (iii) endeavored to write the examination at his own pace, in violation of the examination’s imposed time limits. The Registrar denied Applicant B’s application for membership with Engineers and Geoscientists BC, and

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