INNOVATION March-April 2012
R T Levy-Booth H Y Li
E J Martin C R Martindale
J A Mustafa A E Mustafa N G Mwitta B Nanthakumar K Nassehi M W Neufeld Y Y Ng M T Nguyen J A Nichols G W Nimetz M A Nolan J J Norman P Northcott J M Oborne P I O’Connor T G O’Flaherty M M K Oishi C J Oland J C O’Reilly S Orlov A Oskui D Otis-Aubut A Ourfalian L T Pahl D Paille T M Palinko L A Palmera- Nunez J Pan F Parsaei T K Patchell S A Pathigoda Arachchige N D Pawliuk K W Ng S C Ng W T Ngai
R D Payne I Pecuh S L Pederson A Perez P T Perez J Pernsky D A Peterson P M Petkov D M Peturson B Pham D W Philip I Phiri K W Pickering D G Pike A D Pix A Pojhan A N Porritt D J Pow M A Power J C Poyser R B Preston C F Proctor E M Proulx T A Purvis A W Pyke M K Radmaker S W Rahman P Ramamurthy J Recalma J A Reimer C N Reynolds C Richard
R G Rogers D J Roland T J Roots W F Rossouw H L Rourke P Roy J Rudolf P Runcan P J Rush J H Rutherford A Ryan A Sadrekarimi R A Saenz M Saif J H Saliba M Salimi P E Salt N Samiee Nejad C D Samm S S Sanghera N T Sanz R A Saunders J Schouten N A Schuler C D Schwartzen- truber G B Seebach D T Sereda S Seru A Shafiq L Shaheen A Shahid P K Shannon X Shao A Sharma E Y Shih R S Sidaros
W K B Sie S A Sinclair S K Siu G Sivapalan G E Smallwood
K S Tang E K Tang Y Tang T Tasmin
W S Watkins J J Wauthy R B Wauthy J D Webb F A Weber D J Whicker R Whittington J S Williams S Williams C R Williams C J Williams M L Williston J M Willmek W S Wilson C W Wilson D L Wingerak M Wiriahardja P J Wojdak
C Y Lim S H Lim H Lin
G S Mason R M Mawe B J Maxwell L B Mayer
P Tattersall D P Taylor M E Thompson J Tian M W Toews M D Toma M S Torabian R J Towson M Tremblay Jr M Tremblay M N Trickey M S Trommelen E K Truman A Turkewitsch R G Twerdoff C D Tymstra M N Unsworth H Vahidi S R VanCaeseele M Vander Noot J P Vidal M Tsai I Y Tse
M T Lindner G M Lindsay D T Linkletter R J Lipkewich Y Liu W H Liu V Y Liu Z Liu L Liu W Lo J R Long S C Loptson J L Lota J D Lotz J G Louie M E Loyola W L Lozinski J E Luke L Ma I A MacDonald E L MacKeigan A B MacLean I M MacLeod C Madrid L S Madruga J H Mah S B Mailath D R Malinsky
L W Smart A L Smith A A Smith
A D McCartie P A McConnell L A McCuaig B D McFadden D I McKee M R McManus R G McQuarrie M K Meents K P Mehta Y Mei R L Mellafont S J Miller S A Miller M K Miller J M Millette K L Mills B E Mills H Mir Sadeghi F M Mohee S N Mollica A T Montgomery A D Moret K M Morgan P L Morley J D Morton I A Moussaoui
K K So N J Soi A W Sokol F Soleymany Moayed R D Somerville N M Sorial A S Soundara- pandian V Srivastava B D Steinley E A Stephens D R Stevenson C B Stewart R E Stirling F J Strauss T J Sully A W Summers H C Sun T Suria M Swaminathan G J Szewczyk G S Tadros S S Tam D Tamblyn F O Tan P A Spitzer C A Squair I Squair
D H Wong S W Wong D Wong T W Wood D V Woods T Wu J Q Wu J Wu
C Xiao L T Xie D Y Yeo J E Yip
B J Waddell A A Wagen D R Walker G B Walker R B Walter
A Yousefbeigi A B Zahursky Y Zhang Y Z Zhang Y L Zhu J H Zirnhelt v
A J Muir I Munro
M H Richer J P Robert J D Roberts F L Roberts A K Roett
Q Wang M Wang M Wang Y Wang W Wang
J C Malm W K Mann
M J Murray P J Murray M J Musson
I D Manshadi N P Martens
d i sc i p l i ne and en forcemen t
Disciplinary Hearing – Paullus Kwong Fai Yeung PEng, Surrey, BC
2. Pay a fine to the Association in the amount of $10,000.00; and 3. Pay legal costs to the Association in the amount of $5,000.00. If Mr Yeung failed to meet the above conditions, his membership in the Association would be suspended effective February 24, 2012. (Mr Yeung did meet all the conditions by the deadline and his membership was not suspended). A copy of the disciplinary panel’s decision can be found on the APEGBC website under “Discipline and Enforcement.” Further information on the investigation and discipline processes can also be obtained by contacting Bev Mitovic, Compliance Officer, APEGBC at or (604) 412-4869 or toll-free 1-888-430-8035 ext 4869. v
A complaint was received by the Association regarding Mr Yeung’s failure to respond to a client. The complaint was investigated by a Designated Reviewer and the Investigation Committee of the Association. No replies were received from Mr Yeung to their letters. The Investigation Committee recommended that an inquiry be held regarding Mr Yeung’s failure to respond to a request by the Investigation Committee for documents and information, contrary to section 30 (4) of the Engineers and Geoscientists Act . On January 30, 2012, a disciplinary inquiry relating to the charge was held. Mr Yeung appeared in person at the inquiry and admitted the charge. The discipline panel found the allegations were proven and after hearing submissions on penalty and costs, directed that on or before February 23, 2012, Mr Yeung shall: 1. Provide a satisfactory response to the request from the Investigation Committee;
M a r ch/A p r i l 2 012
i n n o va t i o n
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