INNOVATION March-April 2012
March/April 2012
Volume 16 Number 2
v iewpoint
I often receive correspondence from our members urging APEGBC to take a public position on a particular engineering or geoscience project in BC. Some proposed projects of interest include the Site C Dam, Capital Regional District sewage treatment for Victoria and the Northern Gateway pipeline as well as various mine developments. Of course, our individual members often have differing opinions as to whether a particular project is for or against the public interest. For example, in my hometown of Kamloops, there is currently intense debate about the proposed Ajax mine immediately south of the city. While this project is undoubtedly beneficial for the local economy it may come with some costs in terms of impacts to the environment and aesthetics. So, would it be proper for APEGBC to take a public position supporting or opposing this project? APEGBC regulates the professional practice of engineering and geoscience in the public interest and, subject to this, upholds our members’ interests. We are charged by the people of BC with the duty to protect public safety and the environment. All of the above projects have the involvement of individual engineers and geoscientists providing responsible advice and rational design conforming to legislated regulations. And the best practice of cost benefit analysis fully considers reasonable sustainability and the protection of the environment. Ultimately, the setting of outcomes and regulations are the responsibility of our elected government. I’m pleased to report that APEGBC is a trusted advisor to government in helping to set reasonable and rational legislation in many areas of engineering and geoscience such as the building code, sewage regulation and environmental protection. APEGBC provides broad policy review and advice to help government set appropriate legislation and we encourage government to rely on our members’ reasoned and accountable opinions for specific projects. APEGBC has guidelines for developing broad position papers with the support of committees and task forces that can provide the appropriate expertise to ensure well-researched, factual, balanced and reasonable perspective. Then, extensive consultation with members and external stakeholders ensure that the positions taken represent best practices. So is it proper for APEGBC to take a public stand on engineering and geoscience issues of interest? Yes, APEGBC should continue to advise government and help formulate policy issues and legislation with respect to broad engineering and geoscience works. And, APEGBC should continue to encourage government and the public to rely on the professional expertise and accountability of our registered members for advice on specific projects. But, APEGBC must be perceived to not interfere in the decision-making process of elected government for specific projects.
Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of BC Suite 200 - 4010 Regent Street, Burnaby, BC Canada V5C 6N2 Tel: (604) 430-8035 Fax: (604) 430-8085 E-mail: Internet: Toll free: 1-888-430-8035
2011/2012 COUNCIL, APEGBC P resident J H ( Jeff) Holm PEng FEC
V ice P resident M (Michael) Isaacson PEng PhD P ast P resident F W (F rank ) D enton PE ng FEC
The APEGBC Voice on Public Issues
Councillors V T (Vic) Baker PEng FEC; M H (Matt) Cameron PEng FEC; E A (Emily) Cheung PEng FEC; J J (John) Clague PGeo PhD; A (Ana) Fernandes Cim Fcsi; H (Herb) Hawson PEng FEC;
D M (Donna) Howes PEng; H G (Harlan) Kelly PEng; J (Joe) Martignago; A J (Andy) Mill PEng StructEng FEC; MI (Mark) Porter PEng StructEng; (Mike) Waberski Bcls; M C (Michael) Wrinch PEng PhD; S (Sheila) Wynn PhD ASSOCIATION STAFF D V Doyle P Eng C hief E xecutive O fficer and R egistrar J Y Sinclair C hief O perating O fficer J Cho CGA D irector , F inance and A dministration P R Mitchell PEng D irector , P rofessional P ractice , S tandards and D evelopment G M Pichler PEng D irector , R egistration G A Thiele LLB D irector , L egislation , E thics and C ompliance MLArchibald A ssociate D irector ,C ommunicationsand S takeholder E ngagement
Jeff Holm PEng FEC President
R M F ilipiak P Eng A ssociate D irector , A dmissions D Gamble A ssociate D irector , I nformation S ervices J J G Larocque PEng LLB A ssociate D irector , P rofessional P ractice D Olychick A ssociate D irector , M ember S ervices
Melinda Lau M anaging E ditor
EDITORIAL BOARD S Chiu PEng; S E Cook PEng; R Gupta PEng P h D; C L Hall PGeo; S K Hayes PEng; K S Hirji PEng; M A Klippenstein PEng; I Kokan PEng; M E Leslie PEng; B Thomson PGeo FEC (Hon)
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Advertising Contact: Gillian Cobban Tel: (604) 929-6733 Fax: (604) 929-6753 E-mail:
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Subscription rates per issue $4.50; six issues yearly $25.00. Annual subscriptions of Association members are apportioned from membership dues in the amount of $15 per member (rates do not include HST). Innovation is published six times a year by the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia. As the official publication of the Association, Innovation is circulated to members of the engineering and geoscience professions, architects, contractors and industrial executives. The views expressed in any article contained herein do not necessarily represent the views or opinions of the Council or membership of this Association. Submission Guidelines: Innovation encourages unsolicited articles and photos. By submitting material to Innovation, you grant Innovation a royalty-free, worldwide license to publish the material in Innovation magazine; and you warrant that you have the authority to grant such rights and have obtained waivers of all associated moral rights. Innovation reserves the right to edit the material for length, clarity and conformity with our editorial guidelines (www. and is under no obligation to publish any or all submissions or any portion thereof including credits. All material is copyright. Please contact the Managing Editor for reprint permission.
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