INNOVATION March-April 2012

member sh i p

D R Havercroft J W Hemerling M J Himmel R V Hinger L Ho G W Hollingshead W C Hooper

Z O Khokhar R D King M A Kober E N Koka L A Koopmans D K Krawchuk G A Kroening P Kumar P S Kumar J C Kuo H M Kurkdjian R G Labey F Lacasse J H Lachance S Lakhtakia A A Lalani E R Lander F P Lascelles M K Lau M J Lauder A M Laws C T Le K E Le Souef S O Lee

K M Leitch D N Lenobel M Levert D P Liu K Liu Y Liu J C Lo P J Lunder

J Miller J B Mills K B Mirza B Miu C M Molholm B W Moore R K Moorthy E Murru G C Nettles S Nget A S Norris M J O’Connor J W Page S Parlee B M Patchett R D Patel A W Pauli R L Peace S M Periard D C Peters M J Pflug A Podhorodeski R J Prest P F Proctor

J M Rae K Ramesh S M Ravanbakhsh

S P Singupuram D G Skinner T R Skutezky V Sluchevsky T P Soltys K W Spencer V B Stein R J Stewart J L Styan Z Sun T L Tape J Tardif

D Van Dieren C W Vaness J M Versteegen P Voisin W A Voss R F Vulic A Vyazmensky S Wang W G Watkins G F Waverick J Webber G S Williams G F Williamson N A Willis P R Wong K M Woo W R Woodland S Ye C P Yip Y S Yu K L Zandbergen S W Zhang H Zhu P Zmudzki v

D F Reilly R J Ridley T Roberts M A Roed A Rogers N A Ross J J Rusnak B D Salter

W Huang B T Hugh T H Hui R S Husada S Io R Irani‑famili D M Jacobsohn C G Johnson D L Johnston I Karlin S L Kasprick G C Kehl

O R Macintosh J A Mackenzie Y A Maiangowi S W Mak T Marstaller R L Martin E Mashayekhhan‑ garani

B P Sarathy H S Sarker B Sarsaniuc R A Saunders D H Sawrey L P Schafers J G Schram

A R Taylor J Thiessen

J B Thompson W D Thorneloe J R Tompkins

K S McClure D A McIntosh H M McKay R C McLean D E McRory D J Meunier N M Meyer T J Middleton

J Z Tow R Trojan

K B Scott S H Segal M M Shah G S Shaheed J W H Shewchuk J F Simpkin

B D Kelbert R L Kennett J Kerby S Khalaj‑Savojbolagh U A Khattak

A Truchon P C Tsang W M Turczyn R E Unny Y J Vachon

da teboo k

APR 14/12. POPSICLE STICK BRIDGE BUILDING CONTEST. In celebration of National Engineering and Geoscience Month, the West Kootenay Branch, in conjunction with KAST’s West Kootenay Community Science Celebration, is pleased to host its annual Popsicle Stick Bridge Building Competition to be held at Castlegar Recre- ation Centre, Castlegar, BC. Cost: $5. Information: APR 16/12. DOCKYARD/SUBMARINE TOUR. This tour is hosted by the Victoria Branch of APEGBC. Information: A PR 21-25/12. BCWWA ANNUAL CONFERENCE. The 2012 BC Water & Waste Asso- ciation Annual Conference and Trade Show will be held in Penticton, BC. The premier event in BC’s water and wastewater industry, the conference features one of the largest trade shows of its kind in Western Canada as well as technical and operator sessions and seminars. Registration/Information: events/annual-conference.html. APR 27/12. GLOBAL WARMING AND THE DETERIORATION OF CONCRETE STRUCTURES. The 2012 annual American Concrete Institute (ACI) BC Chapter Spring Seminar brings together seven renowned speakers to present on various aspects of the deterioration of concrete structures due to climate change. Time: 8 am-5pm, Ital- ian Cultural Center, Vancouver, BC. Registration: MAY 5/12. POPSICLE STICK BRIDGE BUILDING CONTEST. The Northern Branch is pleased to host its annual Popsicle Stick Bridge Building Com- petition. Location: Mount Elizabeth High School Gym, Kitimat. Information: MAY 6-9/12. CIM CONFERENCE AND EXHIBITION. “Minerals For All Seasons.” The Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum’s 2012 conference and exhibi- tion features a technical program, short courses, workshops and field trips. Location: Shaw Conference Centre, Edmonton, AB. Registration/Information: edmonton2012. MAY 24/12. APEGBC VICTORIA BRANCH TOUR & AGM. Information: MAY27-30/12. CITEANNUALCONFERENCE. “Transportation: At the Heart of It All.” The Canadian Institute of Transportation Engineers (CITE) invites all interested trans- portation and planning professionals to participate in CITE’s Annual Conference.

The conference combines a leading-edge technical program with an exciting mix of activities and social events. Location: Fort Garry Hotel, Winnipeg, MB. Registra- tion/Information: MAY27/12. PMC-SIERRASCIENCEFAIRFUNRUN. This is an opportunity for individuals, school and organizations to raise money for The Dr Michael Smith Science Fair Endowment, supporting the promotion and development of Science Fair programs throughout BC. Participation in the PMC Science Fair Fun Run ensures the success of future science fairs in BC and allows our youth to gain the skills they need to succeed in a fast-paced, knowledge-based world. Location: Athletes Village Plaza, Vancouver, BC. Registration/Information: JUN 6-9/12. CSCE ANNUAL CONFERENCE. “Leadership in Sustainable Infrastructure.” The Canadian Society for Civil Engineering 2012 Annual Conference features a technical program with specialty conferences, short courses, technical tours, as well as a social program. Location: The Westin Edmonton, Edmonton, AB. Registra- tion/Information: JUN 13-15/12. INTERNATIONAL BIOENERGY CONFERENCE AND EXHIBITION. Explore innovation, discover emerging ideas, learn from the experience of others, and do business in the wood-based bioenergy capital of Canada. The International Bioenergy Conference and Exhibition is Canada’s longest-running conference devoted to the global bioenergy sector. The International Bioenergy Conference and Exhibition provides opportunities for bioenergy experts, existing businesses and organizations, and new entrants to come together to explore leading-edge concepts and current applications in the bioenergy sector globally. Location: Prince George Civic Centre, Prince George, BC. Registration/Information: www. JUN 26-29/12. VELO-CITY GLOBAL 2012. The world’s premier international cycling planning conference offers delegates from around the world a chance to share best practices for creating and sustaining cycling-friendly cities, where bicycles are valued as part of daily transport and recreation. Velo-city Global will bring together politicians, engineers, planners, architects, social marketers, academics, researchers, environmentalists, advocates, educators and industry representa- tives who join forces and foster transnational collaboration. Location: Sheraton Wall Centre, Vancouver, BC. Registration/Information: v

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