INNOVATION March-April 2016

member sh i p

F.L.Kaempffer S.P.Kaija A.Kannan K.Kao M.E.Kao L.I.Karrei N.Kazakova J.A.Keays D.A.Keef C.W.Kennedy M.S.Khan J.J.Kiezik B.L.Kilama S.Kim S.J.King M.Klassen J.M.Knudsen M.M.Kostecky P.S.Kouam simo J.M.Kozlowski K.O.Krombholz L.C.Kung D.J.Labrecque M.Laflamme D.Lafreniere J.Lam S.A.Laporte M.Larocque A.J.Larsen K.K.Lau G.D.Laurin M.M.Lea-Wilson L.Leclerc M.J.Leclerc B.J.Lee B.Y.Lee D.Lee R.W.Lee W.Lee M.Leger A.Lepiarczyk A.K.Leson B.K.Li N.Li G.Liston S.T.Liu R.D.Lockwood M.T.Loconte R.A.Lozada A.Y.Luk H.Ma M.J.Macmorran M.G.Madore W.Mai M.T.Makhijani R.P.Malach G.P.Malcolm S.Malhotra S.M.Mandlon

F.Pagnotta K.Pan K.S.Panesar J.Park D.R.Parks B.D.Patychuk A.M.Pauwels M.R.Pawlick C.N.Penninga G.Perkin C.A.Perra J.E.Peverelle J.C.Pham A.J.Phillips G.T.Pierce P.J.Pigeon A.Plamondon M.T.Pletch A.Porretta S.K.Porteous R.L.Powley A.J.Pratt D.C.Preston R.P.Prokopenko M.Proulx Y.U.Ramyead J.C.Ransom E.H.Rantala K.W.Rarama C.A.Rempel T.Ren S.B.Riegert A.T.Robb B.H.Roberts M.D.Roberts K.L.Robichaud B.H.Sanden J.S.Sandhu D.Santangelo J.Sarai A.K.Sarker P.Sauve C.S.Seinen G.Sergiannis P.A.Seth A.Setiawan K.Shahverdi H.H.Shakarchi R.A.Shambrook A.Sharon K.Shaw B.S.Sheehan J.W.Shewchuk M.W.Shum S.E.Roess M.S.Saini C.Salvian D.Rana J.Rand


W.S.Gin B.Girgrah

G.E.Marchak A.M.Marsh W.A.Marsh T.E.Martel B.J.Mason M.J.Maughan C.P.Mayer T.Mbanga J.Mc Ara J.J.McArthur J.McCarthy D.H.McCulloch T.K.McEwan J.J.McFadden M.J.McGregor R.V.McGregor L.J.McInnes L.G.McLaren G.C.McPhee S.McQueen C.McRae S.K.Mehta K.A.Melney W.D.Melnyk R.A.Menon J.M.Mew V.H.Middleton D.J.Mihial G.Millar R.J.Millington M.Milot A.Mir C.K.Mitchell P.E.Mocan R.A.Monteyne T.A.Montgomery L.A.Morris S.Moslehi C.R.Mountenay M.Munasinghe R.N.Naguib

B.P.Siemens T.K.Siu C.L.Sluggett G.A.Smith P.W.Smith A.Sokolowski S.P.Sopora R.M.Spencer I.M.Squires G.H.Srour G.F.Stebnicki L.M.Stelkia A.J.Stewart T.J.St-George C.J.St-Hilaire T.P.Stokes W.K.Stokes P.R.Surati N.Suzuki E.A.Swanlund M.Taiebat E.A.Taillon D.R.Tait V.J.Tanner M.H.Tareque A.Tegzes M.R.Telhaoui D.B.Thompson J.P.Thomson B.C.E.Tollefson C.V.Tomlinson S.Towfighi D.R.Trommelen T.T.Truong J.P.Tsang L.W.Tse A.G.Tworo J.C.Ulmer A.Umer A.K.Urquhart A.Vachalil Narayanan M.J.Valino A.P.F.Van den Hurk C.H.Van der Lely H.Van der Westhuizen R.J.Van Kleeck I.P.Vanin P.M.Varro R.L.Vaughan M.A.Velez S.J.Viau J.A.Vides B.G.Stone J.R.Storry L.Su T.E.Sully X.Sun

G.H.Davy B.D.De micheli R.B.Deboeck J.E.Deenihan


J.H.Vincent D.W.Vogt P.Voisin A.A.Voth A.C.Vyas D.P.Vyselaar S.H.J.Walinga A.M.Walsh M.P.Walsh C.L.J.Wandfluh B.W.Wang T.Wang J.A.Warkentin P.W.Watson G.V.Wazny N.Weinrauch K.P.Welsh L.A.Wheeler D.N.Whiteside J.C.Whiteside T.M.Wierenga J.D.Williams N.K.Williams K.A.Williston D.Wong E.Wong B.J.Woock C.L.Workman R.C.Wouts T.J.Wright J.Xiang D.J.Yakimchuk E.S.L.Yan P.J.Yang B.J.Yee M.K.Yeung W.Yeung Y.K.Yim Y.Yu K.K.Yue I.R.Zahynacz J.D.Zdunich R.E.Willms B.K.Wilson J.I.Wilson C.Wong C.P.Wong

L.T.Giroday K.E.Giroux G.J.Goddard E.O.Golding J.E.Goosney D.I.Gourley B.D.Green R.R.Gregory K.M.Guay R.C.Gue W.Guo K.Gurses

R.I.Defaz J.T.Delisle

D.DellaVentura M.R.Demchuk L.E.Denton A.Derakhshan-Far B.C.Desmet A.A.Dessouki H.S.Dessureault B.Dewonck T.K.Dhaliwal T.M.Docherty L.Doiron-Codere G.R.Dong J.D.Duck R.Duclos L.M.Dufour C.M.Dumonceau P.K.Egyir M.A.Elkady A.W.Douglas P.C.Dowling

J.R.Gutjahr T.A.Hakim B.A.R.Halabieh K.A.Hansen J.D.Harvey W.D.Haymond J.F.Hazzard C.He A.L.Hill C.C.Holt D.M.Holyer J.S.Hood M.Hosseini W.R.Hovdestad K.Hendrikx C.M.Hendry K.W.Hern T.R.Hunter T.S.Hunter M.Iacob P.Ilica K.Imai P.Iosifidis J.J.Isabelle M.Islam J.G.Ivory M.Izadi R.E.Jackson M.Jamei G.M.Janovick E.H.Janssens R.Jellema J.Jeon S.Jiang N.D.Jinks G.R.Jordan M.M.Jreda I.Judd-henrey K.Howard R.D.Howe P.F.Hsiao A.T.Hsie S.Hu Y.Hu D.K.Humphris

N.Ellamil J.K.Elliott

K.S.Elrayes C.A.Enage W.A.Evenson B.Fan W.W.Fan Y.Fang

M.Fazili D.D.Fehr K.Filsoof P.D.Finch J.W.Fisher

P.L.Forseille W.R.Fowler C.L.Fox A.M.Frank N.Freedman M.Frigon P.Fronc

M.Najafi P.Nayak Y.Negash J.H.Nehera M.A.Nessim T.L.Nguyen W.P.Nickel X.Nie

A.Y.Fung J.Gaëtan B.J.Galloway H.C.Gan A.T.Garusinghe

R.E.Nixon P.F.Njamo G.E.Norman F.Nzotungwanimana B.G.O’Donovan G.J.Ouellette C.P.Outtrim W.S.Owen O.Oyewole-Eletu I.Ozpazarcik

S.Zhang X.Zhang Y.Zhang Z.Zheng v

J.Gauthier S.Gauthier J.M.Geisler

C.J.Genge M.George M.C.Gheorghita D.B.Ghile J.B.Gibson

Mission: Innovation As APEGBC’s official publication, Innovation aims to publish information that is of interest and relevance to the professions, is balanced, objective and impartial, affects the conduct of members, and showcases innovative engineering and geoscience work of members. A secondary aim is to provide a forum for the exchange of views among APEGBC members through the publication of letters to the editor. Innovation Seeks Articles by Members Do you have a story to share? If so, we want to hear from you! For information or to suggest an article idea, contact the Managing Editor (

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