INNOVATION March-April 2017

d i sc i p l i ne and en forcemen t Disciplinary Notice: Johannes Bluemink, P.Eng., Prince George, BC

A Notice of Inquiry was issued to Johannes Bluemink, P.Eng., of Prince George, BC, regarding his structural engineering services. In lieu of proceeding to a disciplinary inquiry, Mr. Bluemink agreed to a Consent Order, dated December 22, 2016. In the Consent Order, Mr. Bluemink admitted that he demonstrated unprofessional conduct, incompetence, or negligence by sealing structural drawings for two jacking frames needed as part of a project to remediate part of the roof at a pulpmill in Prince George, BC. Mr. Bluemink admitted that the drawings depict jacking frames that are unstable. Mr. Bluemink further admitted that he sealed the drawings and calculations without having the experience and training to do so and that his understanding of structural engineering concepts fell below the standard expected of a professional engineer. As part of the Consent Order, Mr. Bluemink agreed to: 1. Not perform structural engineering except for structural design in connection with the structural components of mechanical systems; 2. Have his structural designs in connection with the structural components of mechanical systems peer reviewed for a minimum of 12 months;

3. Prior to applying to be relieved from his peer review requirement, Mr. Bluemink must: a. obtain the written opinion of the peer reviewer as to whether Mr. Bluemink is fit to perform structural design in connection with the structural components of mechanical systems without peer review; and b. successfully complete the Structural Engineering Association of BC 12-week Structural Steel Design for Buildings course; and 4. Pay a $5,000 fine to APEGBC and $5,000 towards APEGBC’s legal costs within 30 days of the Consent Order. If Mr. Bluemink fails to comply with any of the orders, his membership in APEGBC will be suspended until he is in full compliance with those orders. The full text of the Consent Order agreed to by Mr. Bluemink can be found on our website at The webpage contains information on APEGBC’s complaint, investigation and discipline process. You can contact us at 604.412.4869 or toll-free at 1.888.430.8035 ext. 4869 or by e-mail at

By the Numbers Active Investigation and Discipline files, for the period November 1 to December 31, 2016

Investigation Committee 97

Investigation Committee 96 files remaining, December 31

files already open, as of November 1

new files opened

files closed

file sent to Discipline Committee

Discipline Committee 6

Discipline Committee 6 files remaining, December 31

files already open, as of November 1

new file from Investigation Committee

file closed

One of the ways APEGBC fulfils its duties under the Engineers and Geoscientists Act is by investigating complaints against members and licensees for failure to meet their professional and ethical obligations. The Investigation Committee investigates alleged breaches of the Act , Bylaws and Code of Ethics by members and licensees of APEGBC. The Discipline Committee adjudicates disciplinary inquiries into alleged breaches of the Act , Bylaws and Code of Ethics by members and licensees.


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