INNOVATION March-April 2018

Member feedback focused on: • Whether an honorary membership category was required, and if so, how members or non-members should qualify for it. • How the “outstanding contributions” that would be recognized through honorary membership would be defined and by whom. NEXT STEPS Staff will be presenting the results of the consultation on the proposed bylaw amendments to Council in April. Council will consider the feedback provided by members and determine whether adjustments to the proposed amendments are appropriate based on that feedback. If Council does not make any additional changes in April, the revised bylaws will proceed to member ratification in the fall; however, should Council make further changes, a second round of consultation will occur between April and June 2018. This will give members a chance to review and provide feedback on any new changes to the bylaws. The revised bylaws would then undergo a final review and approval by Council in June and then proceed to member ratification in the fall. MORE INFORMATION Get informed! More detailed information on the proposed bylaw amendments, including background and exact wording, is available at .

BYLAW 10(C.1): LIFE MEMBERSHIP OR LICENSURE Proposed wording would repeal age-based qualification language and would align the bylaw wording with changes to the Non- practising Member bylaw.Grandfathering clauses would maintain the rights and status of current Life Members. Member feedback included: • Curiosity about why removing the age requirement in the bylaw does not sufficiently address concerns regarding age discrimination under the BC Human Rights Code . • Concerns the change might impact members’ eligibility for life insurance offered through Engineers Canada. • Alternative suggestions for ways to maintain a category similar to life membership. Based on legal advice the association received, removing the age requirement in the bylaw would not sufficiently address the legal issue, as other aspects of the bylaw may also be non-compliant, such as the requirement for 35 years of practice. These bylaws would be combined to enable this grade of membership to be awarded to a variety of members and non- members. The awarding of honorary recognition would be separated from the granting of practice rights; honorary membership would be applied in addition to any other existing statuses and privileges of a member. Additionally, the change would provide authority to the association to revoke honorary membership if required. BYLAW 10(C.2): HONORARY LIFE MEMBERSHIP OR LICENSURE; AND BYLAW 10(D): HONORARY MEMBERSHIP presentations to children and youth about engineering and geoscience. Through our Career Awareness Program, we send out volunteers to talk to students around the province to promote engineering and geoscience. We’re looking for new volunteers to help with an increase in presentation requests from across the Lower Mainland. Many of these requests are from Girl Guide groups or are for earth science presentations. The Career Awareness Program aims to encourage and empower students to become more engaged in science and math, and to consider science-based careers. As a volunteer with the program, you could give presentations at schools or libraries in your region, judge a science fair competition, or represent the engineering and geoscience professions at career events.

INSPIRE KIDS THROUGH OUR CAREER AWARENESS PROGRAM Have you ever been asked to explain what you do? Engineers and Geoscientists BC frequently receives requests for

To learn more, visit and view the current opportunities for Career Awareness volunteers. If you have questions about the program, contact us at


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