INNOVATION May-June 2012
c ommun i t y
Branches at the Heart of National Engineering and Geoscience Month in BC
In Celebration of National Engineering and
Geoscience Month,APEGBC published a special feature in the March 1,2012 issue of the Vancouver Sun . This feature highlighted articles about engineering and geoscience topics with the purpose of raising public awareness of the fascinating and vital work that APEGBC members do every day.The feature can be viewed on the APEGBC website at
Chelsea Smith
The Peace River Branch volunteers were especially busy during NEGM with four different popsicle stick bridge building competitions at various locations in their region, including the 14 th annual popsicle stick bridge building competition in Fort St John. There was a 30% increase in attendance at their events this year with a total of 600 participants. Zackodnik, who volunteers on the Peace River Branch Executive as the Bridge Competition Coordinator, has an answer for the success of their events: “The key is to make the event fun!” To add to the fun at the Peace River Branch’s bridge building competitions, they also set up display stations with rocks, minerals and drill bits for both participants and spectators to explore. The Central Interior Branch also incorporated a geoscience display in their popsicle stick bridge building competition, which attracted around 250 people. On top of the bridge competition, volunteers with the Central Interior Branch also spent time making individual school visits to grade 3 classes in their area. Several other branches, such as the Fraser Valley, Burnaby/New Westminster, Richmond/Delta, Sea to Sky, Vancouver Island and West Kootenay also held popsicle stick bridge building competitions in their areas. Provincially the branches engaged just shy of 1,500 students and members of the public through bridge building competitions. The Burnaby/NewWestminster Branch held their third annual popsicle stick bridge building competition at the Burnaby Public Library. Through the branch’s efforts, this event has continued to grow over the past few years with a total of 55 bridge submissions and over 150 people in attendance this year. Participants and members of the public were also given the opportunity to participate in APEGBC’s NEGMDrawing Contest on site.
Popsicle sticks and a bit of white glue can be an important learning tool when it comes to engaging students in the science foundation of engineering and geoscience. National Engineering and Geoscience Month pairs youths’ imagination with scientific exploration through various events, challenges and activities, including the classic bridge building competition with popsicle sticks and glue. Held in March, National Engineering and Geoscience Month (NEGM) promotes awareness of the engineering and geoscience professions, highlights career choices in these fields and reminds the public of the many ways in which engineering and geoscience touch everyday life. “Bridge competitions teach students
many things,” said Al Zackodnik PEng, long-time member of the Peace River Branch, “the strength of materials, the impact of shape on structural strength and most importantly, team work.” During the month of March, APEGBC’s Branches dedicate much of their time and volunteer resources to outreach efforts that engage students’ interest in engineering and geoscience and encourage them to explore these fields in more depth.
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