INNOVATION May-June 2014

c ounc i l repor t

fundamentally different systems of qualifying candidates for profes- sional designation” with the aim of improving APEGBC’s systems. Over the years, APEGBC has reviewed its Admissions/Registration policies and process annually with the objective of improving their efficiency, effectiveness and user-friendliness. These reviews have in- cluded research of practices of regulators in other local, national and international jurisdictions; recommendations of provincial fairness commissioners and compliance with administrative law. They have resulted in the implementation of many policy and process changes that have in turn resulted in reduced decision times and enhanced consistency, objectivity and fairness. SAARS was to build on this work and review a broad spectrum of professions and look for emerging and innovative approaches to improve the registration process at APEGBC. The task force presented a report to Council on their findings and made three recommendations: Firstly, that Council endorse five promising practices identified by the report for implementation (use of technical reports/essays, learning experience portfolio, enhancedMember-in-Training program, Accredited Employer Training program, currency of experience guideline); second, that Council recognizes that future bylaw consultation will be required for the enhancedMember-in-Training program and Accredited Employer program; and thirdly, that Council give priority consideration to approv- ing funding in the budget for development and implementation of the five promising practices identified, and an enhancedMentoring program. Council approved the recommendations of the task force, which was then stood down with thanks for its service. Three-year Budget Presented; Includes Membership Fee Increase Council has adopted a three-year budget for 2014 – 2017 aligned with the 2014 – 2017 Strategic Plan. This three-year budget is a step towards improving governance practices through longer-term planning and fis- cal stability. The budget includes a $35 increase to the membership fee in year one with no anticipated increases in years two and three. Council determined that this increase to the annual membership fee was neces- sary to resource the programs and initiatives necessary to the delivery the strategic plan’s objectives. (For more information, see page 16.) Council approved the 2014/2015 operating and capital budget, and accepted proforma budgets for 2015/2016 and 2016/2017 respectively. A target of three months of operating expenses for the total reserves fund balance was also approved. “That Council consider the forming of a working committee with the task of developing policy and guidelines to incorporate archaeological impact studies for members engaged in certain projects involving ground-altering activities. This is to bring engineering practice in compli- ance with BC’s Heritage Conservation Act .” At its November 29, 2013, meeting, Council referred the matter to the Director, Professional Practice, Standards and Development to provide a report to Council outlining options for action. In the report to Council on this matter, it was noted that the Province of BC has put in place a well-documented regulatory framework including policies and guidelines on incorporating archeological impact studies on projects involving ground-altering activities. However, it was felt that APEGBC should make its professionals aware of the existing framework that is in place so that, where relevant, engineering practice includes considerations in order to comply with BC’s Heritage Conservation Act. Based on the report, Council approved a motion to recommend that archaeological Action on AGM Motion Regarding Archaeological Sites At the 2013 AGM, the following motion was passed:

APEGBC’s Council meets throughout the year to conduct the business of association governance. The following are the highlights of the April 11, 2014, meeting of APEGBC Council. Changes Made to AGM Rules and Procedure for Advance Motions Amendments to the rules for the Annual General Meeting (AGM) were adopted by Council for the consideration of members at the 2014 AGM. The changes consider advice provided by APEGBC’s registered parliamentarian and address who is entitled to speak to motions, re- view of motions prior to presentation, the format of motions and the procedure for debating and voting on motions. A change to the procedure for submitting motions in advance of the AGMwas also made. Where previously members were encouraged to sub- mit their motions for the purpose of publication in advance of the AGM, they will now instead be invited to submit draft AGMmotions for the purpose of obtaining information and advice from staff prior to the AGM. This will then provide members with the option of revising or submitting the motion in advance of the meeting or at the meeting as they choose. Special Task Force on Alternative Admission/Registration Systems Report The Special Task Force on Alternative Admissions/Registration Systems (SAARS) was appointed by Council in November 2012 as an outcome of the Value for Money Review recommendation to, “appoint an independent special task force to research and consider



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