INNOVATION May-June 2018


DISCIPLINARY NOTICE: BILL BARRON BARWIG, P.ENG., VANCOUVER, BC Engineers and Geoscientists BC issued a Notice of Inquiry to Bill Barron Barwig, P.Eng., in December 2017 regarding his design for a raft foundation for a business in Pitt Meadows, BC. Instead of proceeding to a disciplinary inquiry, Mr. Barwig agreed to a Consent Order dated March 8, 2018. In the Consent Order, Mr. Barwig admitted that he demonstrated unprofessional conduct, incompetence, or negligence, in the following ways: 1. His structural design was under-designed with respect to reinforcing steel size and bar spacing, resulting in a design that provided inadequate support for the intended load. 2. His design was based empirically on his experience with a similar project, but he failed to reconcile differences in design conditions between the two projects. 3. He based his design on literature but failed to analytically apply the theory presented in that literature to his specific design. 4. He departed from the standard methodology for analysis and design of a raft foundation, and did not use rigorous and peer-reviewed analysis to justify this departure. In the same consent order, Mr. Barwig also admitted that he failed to comply with section 14(b) of the Bylaws, and that he failed to establish and maintain documented quality management processes for his practice. Specifically, he failed to: 1. Retain complete project documentation for a minimum period of 10 years. 2. Conduct regular, documented checks of his structural engineering work using a written quality-control process appropriate to the risk associated with the work. 3. Ensure that documented independent reviews were conducted of his structural design prior to construction. As part of the Consent Order, Mr. Barwig agreed to, among other things, the following: 1. His membership in the association was suspended for a period of two months, commencing on March 12, 2018. 2. Following the end of his suspension, his structural engineering design practice will be restricted for at least 4 months to structures falling under the BCBC definition of Part 9 structures. 3. He must, before the restriction in item 2 is lifted and at his own cost, successfully pass the examination titled "07-Str-B5 Foundation Engineering". If he does not fulfill this requirement, his practice will remain restricted until he has done so.

4. At least 3 months after and no later than 6 months after the lifting of the restriction imposed in item 2, he will undergo a Practice Review conducted by the association and will pay the costs associated with the Practice Review. 5. He will pay $6,000 towards the association's legal costs within 30 days of the date the Consent Order was approved. 6. If he fails to comply with any of the terms of the Consent Order, his membership in the association will be suspended until every default has been remedied in accordance with the terms of this Consent Order. The full text of the Consent Order agreed to by Mr. Barwig can be found in the Disciplinary Notices section of our website. DISCIPLINARY NOTICE: JOSEPH JEAN MARC BOHEMIER, P.ENG., STOUFFVILLE, ON Engineers and Geoscientists BC issued a Notice of Inquiry to Joseph Jean Marc Bohemier, P.Eng., in January 2018, regarding his use of his engineering seal on letters of assurance, specifically a Schedule C-B. Instead of of proceeding to a disciplinary inquiry, Mr. Bohemier agreed to a Consent Order dated April 19, 2018. In the Consent Order, Mr. Bohemier admitted that he demonstrated unprofessional conduct, incompetence, or negligence by sealing a Schedule C-B for fire suppression, which is outside of Mr. Bohemier’s training and experience. Mr. Bohemier admitted that he signed the Schedule C-B when he had not conducted field reviews and had not reviewed the design, plans and other supporting documents for the fire suppression system. As part of the Consent Order, Mr. Bohemier agreed to the following: 1. He will resign his membership with the association, and will not re-apply for membership or licensure for six months from the date of the Consent Order. 2. He will pay $4,000 towards the association’s legal costs within 30 days of the date of the Consent Order. 3. If he re-applies for membership, he must complete and pass the Professional Practice Examination and the Professional Engineering and Geoscience Practice in BC Online Seminar. 4. If his re-application for membership or licensure is approved, he must not sign or seal any letters of assurance that include fire suppression engineering. 5. If his re-application for membership or licensure is approved, he will undergo a Practice Review six months after he is re-admitted. DISCIPLINARY NOTICE: FRANKIE HUP MUI, P.ENG., VANCOUVER, BC Engineers and Geoscientists BC issued a Notice of Inquiry to Frankie Hup Mui, P.Eng., in October 2017, regarding his

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