

economy begins to open,” he said, “there will be [non-medical] sectors that will start to need this type of equipment, which will put a strain on supply.” COVID-19 SUPPLY HUB The COVID-19 crisis introduced an unusual problem: while individuals and business across BC were willing to help— sometimes with large-scale PPE procurement and manufacturing offers—the government and health authorities had no way to triage and manage the overwhelming number of proposals cascading in. So a group of technology and healthcare partners quickly developed the concept of the COVID-19 Supply Hub—an online tool that helps officials organize and triage offers for reinforcement supplies. The Supply Hub was built by Traction on Demand, a Vancouver- based consulting and application development firm, in partnership with the Government of BC, the Digital Technology Supercluster, the Business Council of British Columbia, and Provincial Health Services Authority.

P hoto courtesy of S afe C are BC.

For Traction on Demand Regional Vice President Jason Etherington, work on the COVID-19 Supply Hub was a way for Traction on Demand staff to contribute to a solution. The idea that the healthcare sector could be overrun without proper supplies “was like a movie, except it was real”, he said. The [COVID-19] Supply Hub was borne of a concern that PPE was going to run out. Is there a way that we can respond to this need? Is there a way we can get this happening rather than people just answering emails in a scramble?” Etherington said that calls between partners began on Saturday, March 21. “Bill [Tam, co-founder of BC’s Technology Supercluster] called me on Saturday, [Traction on Demand staff] started on Monday, and we were done Friday,” he said. Etherington said that although the Supply Hub was set up for business procurement offers, it can also accept donations of PPE. “Businesses can donate, they just put $0 as their cost,” he said. Accordingly to Etherington, the Supply Hub captured offers for over 2.7 billion units from across 3,400 companies within two weeks of its launch. The number has since ballooned to offers of 4.7 billion units across 6,000 companies. Etherington stresses that, while the numbers are impressive, all offers and companies must still undergo an assessment by authorities. LEARN MORE Visit Operation Protect, at , to learn more about making a donation. They can also be reached at , or at 1.877.955.6565. For manufacturers and suppliers, visit the COVID-19 Supply Hub, at to learn more about how to provide supplies to government agencies.

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