
July 2019 field characterization of ultramafic serpentinite rock from the Baptiste Deposit, to assess reactivity to CO 2 . P hoto courtesy of UBC/G reg D ipple .

Cutts, postdoctoral researcher at MDRU, are using public geophysical data collected by Geoscience BC and Natural Resources Canada over large swaths of the province to generate three-dimensional models of the serpentinized volumes within the ultramafic rock. In parallel with this, other researchers on the team are conducting detailed field mapping around the Baptiste deposit and collecting rock samples for geochemical analysis. Dejan Milidragovic, P.Geo., a senior minerals geologist specializing in nickel with BCGS, has been working in the Decar area for several years, mapping and studying the evolution of the serpentinized rocks that host the awaruite and brucite. “On this project, we’re trying to identify which ultramafic rocks have the greatest potential to produce brucite,” Milidragovic said. “Ideally, we’re not just going to apply this to BC, but we’ll be able to extract some knowledge that we can then apply globally, wherever we have ultramafic rocks.” MINES OF THE FUTURE In late 2020, FPX Nickel plans to release an updated Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA) for the Baptiste Deposit. Although a PEA is a normal step in

mine development, this particular PEA will contain data that no other proposed mine in the world has. “We will be able to produce a mine plan that will show the carbon sequestration potential for each mining block,” said Bradshaw. Based on research so far, Dipple said the most reactive rocks will absorb one-tenth of their mass of carbon dioxide. In other words, ten tonnes of tailings can absorb one tonne of CO 2 . If a typical large nickel mine produces 20 million tonnes per year, the tailings could absorb up to two million tonnes of carbon dioxide per year. For a mine in BC that operates on hydroelectric power, this sequestration capacity far outweighs the roughly 200,000 tonnes of CO 2 it would produce. The next challenge is to find methods to speed up the carbon sequestration reactions and maximize the reaction without increasing the physical footprint of the mine. These may include tilling the tailings every few months, in the same way a farmer tills a field. This research will have a huge impact on the way geoscientists and engineers design future mines for orebodies hosted in ultramafic rocks.


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