INNOVATION November-December 2012

$ 48,496

Hi my name is Bob, and this is my Manulife one number. It’s the interest my family could save over the life of our mortgage. By combining all our income, loans and savings into a single account we could be debt-free years sooner. This innovative money saving account comes with infinite possibilities. It could mean a better education for my kids, a few more relaxing vacations or some renovations we’ve always put off. It’s not just my Manulife one number. It’s my life in dollars and sense. Every homeowner has a Manulife one number, what’s yours?

To run your own numbers visit or call 1 866 626-8221 and ask about the special offer for Engineers and Geoscientists.

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Visit for more details on a special offer and to better understand all the features of Manulife one .

Manulife one is offered through Manulife Bank of Canada. Individual savings will vary and are not guaranteed.To see an explanation with detailed financial information, visit Manulife, Manulife one , the one logo and the block design are trademarks of The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company and are used by it and its affiliates including Manulife Bank of Canada.

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