INNOVATION November-December 2012

c ounc i l repor t

APEGBC’s Council of elected members and government appointees meet throughout the year to conduct the business of association governance. The following are the highlights of the September 14, 2012 meeting of APEGBC Council. The October 27, 2012 inaugural meeting of the 2012/2013 Council was a brief meeting for new and continuing Councillors to introduce themselves and exchange insights and information . SEPTEMBER 14, 2012 Work Proceeds on Implementing Act Changes Eleven key amendments to the Engineers and Geoscientists Act came into law in June 2012. A number of bylaws related to enfranchising limited licensees were automatically amended as a result of these changes; they permit limited licensees to run and vote for President, Vice President and Council; to call and vote at a meeting of the association; and to vote on petitions and bylaws. While not automatically amended, three other bylaws were recommended for revision to support the enfranchisement of limited licensees. These bylaws are related to the composition of the Nominating Committee, ballot counting, and granting of life membership. Council referred these proposed amendments to the Governance and Nominating Committees for further consideration.

Other amendments cannot be implemented until bylaw or extensive policy and procedural development work is completed. Council approved the creation of the Legislation Implementation Task Force to guide and advise Council on bylaw, consultation, policy, procedure, and strategy recommendations for the implementation of these changes. Terms of reference and appointments to the task force were approved at the September Council meeting. Based on priorities set by Council, the task force will review and analyze existing legislation and work previously done, benchmark with the legislation and policies of other regulatory bodies, identify best practices, and develop the supports required for implementation of the amendments. Regulatory Model for Applied Science Technologist Concept Approved APEGBC Council approved a regulatory model that endorses key principles that will guide the development of areas of professional reliance for Applied Science Technologists in BC. The model was endorsed following significant consultation with government officials, local and national stakeholders. Terms of reference for a non-statutory Joint Board that will guide the short and long term development of this program were approved, as was the appointment of

members to the board. Through this Board, APEGBC and the Applied Sci- ence Technologists and Technicians of BC (ASTTBC) will define and promote to regulatory authorities the areas of professional reliance that are suitable for designating Applied Science Technolo- gists as Qualified Persons. Council also approved a motion that the associations jointly advise the Minister of Advanced Education of the progress on this file and seek a legislative amendment to the ASTT Act to enable and empower the Joint Board. Successful Audit Completed; Presentation of Financial Information Aligned with Audited Statements Responsible financial management is a key part of Council’s commitment to serve the public and the membership. Supported by appropriate policies and procedures, Council demonstrates accountability through managing and reporting on the fiscal affairs of the organization. This includes oversight by an Audit Committee, and an annual The Audit Committee reported on the audit of APEGBC’s finances for the 2011/2012 fiscal year, and reviewed a summary of key findings. Detailed in the audit findings were areas of particular audit focus that required management to use their discretion, including the independent audit performed by APEGBC’s appointed auditors.

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LEVELTON CONSULTANTS LTD Outstanding achievements in engineering were recognized at the Canadian Consulting Engineering Awards held in Ottawa on October 23, 2012. The Association of Consulting Engineering Companies - Canada presented its Beaubien Award for exceptional service to the association and the consulting engineering industry.

As recipient of the 2012 Beaubien Award, Neil Cumming, FACI, P.Eng. is recognized by his peers for his outstanding contributions to ACEC, the consulting engineering industry and the engineering profession. Neil is a recognized expert in the field of construction materials engineering and concrete technology and a leader in the industry as a businessman, educator and mentor.

About Levelton As one of the largest engineering firms in British Columbia, with offices in Alberta, the Company has played a role in most of BC’s major landmark infrastructure projects for the past 47 years. Levelton’s ongoing commitment to comprehensive and innovative solutions for clients has earned the Company a reputation for providing excellence in materials and geotechnical engineering, environmental sciences and building technology.


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