INNOVATION November-December 2013

2013 Annual General Meeting Members connect in person and online for 94 th AGM a gm

and divisions; volunteers who serve other professional associations; past presidents of the association; deans and faculty members for educational institutions; and those who serve as staff for other associations across the country. The assembly applauded the contributions of these individuals. AGM business proceeded with the ap- proval of the 2012 Annual General Meeting minutes. President Isaacson then invited Chief Scrutineer Paul Blanchard, P.Eng., FEC, FGC (Hon.), to report on the 2013/2014 Council election and bylaw amendment vote (see page 8 for more detail). Mr. Blanchard reviewed the voting process used for the ballots. He then an- nounced the newly elected members of the 2013/2014 APEGBC Council as well as the results of the bylaw vote, which saw the amendment of five bylaws and the creation of one new bylaw (see page 8). Immediately following, President Isaacson and Chief Executive Officer and Registrar Ann English, P.Eng., presented their respective annual reports. These re- ports provided a high-level summary of APEGBC’s accomplishments and activities during the past year.

Councillor Ana Fernandes, CIM, FCSI, chair of the Audit Committee, provided an overview of the auditing process. She reported on the results of the audit and affirmed the Committee’s view that the financial statements and notes contained in the 2012/2013 Annual Report were a fair and accurate representation of the financial dealings of the association over the year ending June 30, 2013. The assembly then passed a motion to appoint Pricewater- house Coopers LLP, Chartered Accoun- tants, as APEGBC’s auditors for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014. At the conclusion of the preceding item, the assembly then took a moment to acknowledge members of the associa- tion who had passed away during the previous year. Vice President Michael Bapty, P.Eng., FEC, read aloud the names of the departed. Next, Councillor Donna Howes, P.Eng., FEC, gave a presentation on the report of the Women in Engineering and Geoscientists Task Force. After a 20-minute break, the meeting was then opened to debate on motions submitted by APEGBC members. Motions Submitted by Members The AGM is the forum in which members and licensees may bring motions forward for debate, and provide advice to Council on current issues. The following motions were debated: Motion 1. That Council consider the forming of a working committee with the task of developing policy and guidelines to incorporate archaeological impact studies for members engaged in certain projects involving ground altering activities. This is to bring engineering practice into compliance with BC’s Heritage Conservation Act. Moved by Bill Wai-Kwong Chu, P.Eng., and seconded by Yiu D. Chan, P.Eng. The motion was carried. Motion 2. That Council consider formal- izing a policy that neither the president nor any other elected members of the Council are able to be remunerated for their service and that the president, past president, and elected members of Coun- cil continue to be volunteer positions.

On Saturday, October 26, 115 members and licensees and 40 guests attended the 94 th annual APEGBC General Meeting, held in Whistler, BC. Another 36 members live streamed the meeting over the Internet, in a first for the association. The meeting was chaired by 2012/2013 APEGBC President Dr. Michael Isaacson, P.Eng., FEC, FGC (Hon.), and opened with greetings sent on behalf of Premier Christy Clark and the provincial government, wish- ing APEGBC delegates a successful meeting. After reviewing the role and respon- sibilities of Council, President Isaacson introduced Registered Parliamentarian Eli Mina, who reviewed the meeting rules and voting procedures. A motion to approve the rules was passed by the assembly. President Isaacson acknowledged the dedication of the many individuals who contributed to the professions throughout the year, supporting APEGBC and its members’ commitment to excellence. He expressed his thanks to committee, task force, and joint practice board volunteers; those who support Engineers Canada or Geoscientists Canada as volunteers or board members; volunteers for branches

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