INNOVATION November-December 2014

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Quality Is Everyone’s Business OQM Organizational Quality Management Program


Build Your Own DIY Investment Plan!

Improving the quality manage- ment of professional engineering and geoscience practices at both the individual and organizational level is the goal of APEGBC’s Organization Quality Management program (OQM). The program provides guidance to employers on implementing or adapting in- house quality management policies and procedures that will support APEGBC professionals in meeting their quality management require- ments under the Engineers and Geoscientists Act and APEGBC bylaws. Participating organiza- tions are recognized with OQM Certification, and their APEGBC- licensed professionals are exempt from random practice reviews. One of the first companies to sign up for the program was engi- neering consulting firm Associated Engineering. The company recognized that the OQM program offered stan- dard benchmarking as well as features other programs did not have. OQM was flexible in that it worked with existing programs and encompassed all parts of a business - administration, management, finance, engineering and other highly technical areas. According to Martin Jobke, P.Eng., General Manager of Associated Engineering, “It sets stan- dards from contracts to process—it has wider usage in a company. From a business standpoint, that’s a good thing.” Jobke notes, “We have created a culture of quality.” This helps with business, because when potential clients and customers know that a company is OQM-certified they know that they are dealing with organization-wide quality. OQM can benefit any organiza- tion looking to set the bar higher in

standardization and quality man- agement. One benefit that stands out for Dieter Diedericks, P.Eng., Division Manager, Infrastructure for Associated Engineering, is the scheduled audit, something that other programs don’t offer. “Being audited can be very stressful to both the company and individuals involved. But knowing that you will be audited every five years can ease that stress and gives everyone the extra drive to follow the require- ments and strive for the highest quality of work.” This extra motiva- tion allows companies to constantly review and improve business stan- dards, practices and procedures. OQM has assisted organiza- tions improve the quality of work by reducing risk and increasing productivity. This means an over- all high level of satisfaction from the organization to the customers or clients as well as the employees. “Although it is a voluntary program, OQM has the potential to be the most powerful regulatory device in the association toolbox, while also providing value to organiza- tions by helping them better manage their risk,” says Peter Mitchell, P.Eng., APEGBC’S Director, Professional Practice, Standards and Development. This provides APEGBC with an efficient and cost- effective method of supporting and regulating members’ professional practice. Since its launch, the OQM program has more than 300 orga- nizations participating to date. (See page 38 for the latest participants.) For more information about the OQM program, visit OQM or contact Kelly Dayman at v

Gerry LaRouche, P.Eng, has published a book titled “Investing My Way - Become a Do-It-Yourself Investor and Save Thousands of Dollars in Fees”. Many books

and articles have been published by the investment industry but few books are written by the investors. Gerry has resided in the community of Trail, B.C. for over 30 years. Gerry is an engineer who retired from Teck Resources 15 years ago. During his retirement, he completed financial courses and intensively studied the world of investing. As defined- benefit pension plans are increasingly being replaced by defined-contribution plans, more pensioners will need to manage their hard-earned savings or have an advisor do it for them, at a fee of course. Regardless which route you prefer, this book will surely increase your financial literacy, a very im- portant asset if you will heavily rely on your investments during your retirement years. No one cares more about your money than you do. Fees are a very important criteria when choosing investment products and advisors. A typical investor can reduce his total retirement income by $400,000 to $500,000 due to fees. 50% of Canadians investors in mutual funds don’t know they are paying fees. Gerry says, “You don’t have to become a financial expert to manage your investments. It’s not rocket science”. If you lack the confidence and prefer to continue working with an advisor, the book will show you how to pick one. For a quick review of the book and to order the book, go to website:


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