INNOVATION November-December 2014

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APEGBC members vote at the 2014 AGM

2014 APEGBC Annual General Meeting Overview of the 95th Annual General Meeting of the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of BC

The 2014 Annual General Meeting of the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of BC was held at the Hyatt Regency Vancouver on Saturday, October 25. In addition to 44 guests and members-in-training, 107 members and licensees were in attendance. The meeting was chaired by 2013/2014 APEGBC President, Michael Bapty, P.Eng., FEC, and opened with greetings from Premier Christy Clark on behalf of the pro- vincial government. The premier’s greetings to APEGBC conference delegates and AGM attendees noted that, “This annual event not only provides APEGBC members the opportunity to connect with colleagues, government repre- sentatives and industry leaders, it also provides a venue for innovative ideas to be shared and discussions spurred.” President Bapty reviewed the role of the APEGBC Council, under APEGBC’s primary mandate of protection of the public. The agenda was then approved as presented, and Eli Mina was introduced as the parliamentarian for the meeting.

Meeting Rules Amended The meeting rules were then approved by the assembly with an amendment to rule 3.2 to allow up to three minutes of discussion twice per speaker on an issue. Volunteers Recognized President Bapty introduced and recognized the dedicated volunteers and contributors who give their valuable time and expertise to enhance the guidance and standards that are available to members, which maintain the profession’s commitment to excellence. Volunteers serve as branch and division executives, on committees, task forces, work- ing groups and joint practice boards and as directors to provincial and national associations. President Bapty also thanked the past presidents of the association, deans of educational institutions, student representatives and offi- cials of other associations in British Columbia, Canada and the United States. Volunteers and contributors stood and were recognized and applauded.


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