INNOVATION November-December 2014

Annual Report Presented President Bapty directed the assembly’s attention to the 2013/2014 Annual Report, which included reports from the President and the Chief Executive Officer and Registrar, and APEGBC’s financial statements. Immediately following, President Bapty and Chief Executive Officer and Registrar Ann English, P.Eng., presented their respective annual reports. These reports provided a high-level summary of APEGBC’s accomplish- ments and activities during the past year. After the presen- tation of each report, both the President and CEO accepted questions from the floor. Topics raised by members during this question period included the Elliot Lake Inquiry and the Mount Polley Mine incident. Overview of Financial Statements Councillor Ken Laloge, CA, Chair of the Audit Committee, presented an overview of the financial statements of the association and reported on the results of the audit. He affirmed the Committee’s view that the financial statements and notes contained in the 2013/2014 Annual Report were a fair and accurate rep- resentation of the financial dealings of the association over the year ending June 30, 2014. The assembly then passed a motion to appoint PriceWaterhouse Coopers LLP, Chartered Accountants, as APEGBC’s auditors for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015. Acknowledgement of Deceased Members At the conclusion of the preceding item, the assembly then took a moment to acknowledge members of the associa- tion who had passed away during the previous year. Vice President John Clague, P.Geo., FGC, read aloud the names of the departed, and the members in attendance observed a moment of respectful silence in their honour. Greetings from National Engineering and Geoscience Associations President Bapty invited Paul Amyotte, P.Eng., FEC, President of Engineers Canada, to bring greetings to the

APEGBC President Michael Bapty, P.Eng., FEC, chaired the 2014 Annual General Meeting.

2013 AGM Minutes Approved President Bapty advised the assembly that the minutes of the 2013 AGM were printed in the 2013/2014 Annual Report, with copies available at the registration desk. A motion to approve the meeting minutes of the 2013 AGM was carried. Election and Bylaw Vote Results APEGBC’s Chief Scrutineer, John Watson, P.Eng., FEC, FGC (Hon.), explained the process followed to receive and count both electronic and paper ballots for the 2014/2015 Council election and bylaw amendment vote. Watson stated that he and fellow scruntineers, Frank Denton, P.Eng., FEC, FGC (Hon.) and John Bremner, P.Eng., FEC, FGC (Hon.) were satisfied that both the elec- tion and the special ballot were conducted in a confiden- tial, fair and impartial manner. The Council election and bylaw amendment results were announced (see page 6), which saw the amendment to Bylaw 3-Election to Council ratified by members. John Watson then put forward a motion to destroy in three months the electronic and paper ballots, which was carried.

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