INNOVATION November-December 2015
APEGBC Continuing Professional Development Personal Investment. Professional Commitment.
Methods for Predicting Metal Leaching and Acid Rock Draining Potential December 1, 2015; Vancouver, BC This seminar provides an introduction to the subject for scientists and engineers involved in any projects that require management of waste rock to address water-quality effects from runoff. Basic principles are discussed, with a focus on site-specific approaches rather than recipes. As the day progresses, attendees work in teams on several workshops to apply learnings. Each workshop is following by a class discussion. Hands-on Physical Modeling of Hydrotechnical Phenomena: Application and Interpretation December 2 & 3, 2015; Vancouver, BC The course offers engineering fundamentals of physical modeling for hydrotechnical projects with the following objectives: to become familiar with the applied theories of scale modeling for hydrotechnical projects (river, coastal, hydraulic structures, and hydromechanics); to determine when scale modeling should be performed, versus field, analytical, and numerical methods; to interpret the results of physical modeling; and, to avoid common pitfalls in physical modeling of hydrotechnical phenomena involving interaction of water with sediment and/or structures. Law & Ethics Seminar December 2 & 3, 2015; Hyatt Regency Hotel, Vancouver, BC Learn about the points of Law and Ethics critical to your practice as a Professional Engineer or Geoscientist. This seminar provides an overview of occupational health and safety, employment law, practical law, the professions, practice review, APEGBC’s discipline and enforcement process, code of ethics, and case studies. Advanced Project Planning, Scheduling, and Control December 3 & 4, 2015; Vancouver, BC This workshop is designed to provide professionals with the knowledge and tools to improve their skills and capabilities to properly plan and control all project tasks on time and within budget. Call for Presenters Are you an expert in your field who would like to contribute to the future of engineering and geoscience? APEGBC is actively seeking members to present on a variety of topics. For more information, please visit apeg.
Construction Projects Contracts, Bidding Administration Logistics and Claims Avoidance November 23–November 25, 2015; Vancouver, BC This authoritative course sets the standards for construction administration, field management, and claim avoidance. Participants will examine the principals of project-administration procedures from the viewpoint of a resident project manager or project engineer on a construction or engineering project. This course will also cover Construction Projects Contracts and Bidding Logistics. You will learn how to understand the five elements of a brain-friendly model to collaborate with and influence others successfully, modify your own and other people’s behavior to minimize negative and maximize positive emotions towards an event, and integrate goal setting with brain science to influence workplace productivity. Fundamentals of Power System Protection November 23–November 26, 2015; Vancouver, BC Day 1: Short Circuit Analysis of Power Systems. Day 2: Overcurrent Protection of Power Systems. Days 3 & 4: Fundamentals of Transmission, Generation and System Protection. The course is intended to introduce the subject of power-system protection to enable engineers to understand techniques of applying and setting protective relays. It will cover short-circuit analysis, symmetrical components, overcurrent protection, distribution-system protection, differential protection, and transformer protection. We often have limited exposure to one of the areas of SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition), but need to better understand other components of SCADA systems. This tutorial starts at a very high level and dives into key issues and features of various SCADA systems. At the end of this two-day tutorial, participants should have an in-depth understanding of all key features and challenges of SCADA systems. OQM Training Session November 23, 2015; Vancouver, BC APEGBC’s Organizational Quality Management (OQM) Program serves as a tool to improve the quality management of professional engineering and geoscience practices at the individual and Leading with the Brain in Mind November 23, 2015; Vancouver, BC SCADA & Remote Monitoring Systems November 23 & 24, 2015; Vancouver, BC
organizational level. This voluntary program offers certification to participating organizations. OQM offers organizations employing APEGBC professionals the opportunity to implement or adapt in-house quality management policies and procedures consistent with the requirements of the Engineers and Geoscientists Act and Bylaws. Petroleum Refining and Processing: A Crash Course November 26 & 27, 2015; Vancouver. BC This course presents an overview of the petroleum- refining and -processing industry, including the feedstock properties, product slate, and the processes used to convert crude oil and intermediate streams into desirable products. The basics of hydrocarbon properties and products quality are discussed. Each processing unit is explained, including equipment description and selection basics, operating conditions, process parameters, catalyst, utilities, feedstock and products quality. Marketing and Selling of Professional Services November 27, 2015; Vancouver, BC, and Webinar This workshop has been shown to be an extremely powerful and practical learning experience for all people who deal directly with customers and clients. It explores four critical face-to-face core communication competencies, focusing on techniques in four key areas: 1. Questioning strategies and techniques that uncover vital buying motives; 2. Presentation skills that optimise persuasiveness; 3. Securing commitment without using high-pressure, manipulative techniques; and, 4. Negotiating tactics that create win–win, margin- maintaining outcomes. Fundamentals of Project Management November 30-December 2, 2015; Vancouver, BC This workshop equips engineers new to their first jobs, and those with a few years’experience who want to transition from a technical position to a project leadership role, with the tools, skills, behavioral attributes, and competencies needed to manage complex design and construction projects. Using lectures, discussions, and case studies, the focus is on practical applications and techniques for immediate implementation and project results. Participants learn “what”to do,“how”to do it, and“why”they need to do it, because a leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.
For a complete listing of events or for more information, visit or contact APEGBC Professional Development at 604.430.8035 or 1.888.430.8035.
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