INNOVATION November-December 2016

counc i l repor t

the program. Based on their progress and on program evaluation, Registration Committee recommended the pilot be extended to allow for more data to be collected on the program’s effectiveness. Council approved the extension up to September 2019 and requested annual updates and recommendations to Registration Committee and Council. Reduced Fee Reduced to 50 Percent of Member Fee A review of trends in the fee-relief structures and reduced-fee policies of other regulatory bodies in BC and Canada indicates APEGBC’s fee policy may need refinement. For members with annual active incomes less than the Council- approved threshold, Council approved the reduced fee to be half of the full annual fee for each membership category. Council agreed to restrict payment of the reduced fee to two consecutive billing years only. If a member requires fee relief for a third consecutive year, he or she may avail themselves of other means provided by APEGBC. Three Professional Practice Guidelines Approved Council approved three guidelines for publication pending editorial and legal review. • ACEC-BC/APEGBC Professional Practice Guidelines – Budget Guidelines for Consulting Engineering Services Infrastructure and Transportation (Updated) • ABCFP/APEGBC/CAB Professional Practice Guidelines – Legislated Riparian Assessments in BC Currently, 65% of electricity generated in Canada comes from renewable resources and this is growing each year. * Are you an electrician or professional engineer looking to enhance your expertise in renewable energy systems? If so, our new Advanced Certificate in Renewable Energy Electrical Systems Installation and Maintenance is the ideal part-time program for you. Renewable energy training for a sustainable future

APEGBC’s Council of elected members and government appointees meets throughout the year to conduct the business of association governance.

SEPTEMBER 9, 2016 AGM Rules Amended and Approved

Council approved the proposed 2016 AGM Rules, which include amendments to simplify language in rule 2.3 to clarify that motions must be framed in advisory language, and remove the “Use of Preamble” section to align with rule 2.5. APEGBC’s meeting rules for the annual general meeting are reviewed annually by Governance Committee and presented to Council for approval. Building Engineering Approved as a Discipline of Evaluation for Registration Numbers of applicants practising in the area of building engineering have increased in recent years. Council approved building engineering as a discipline of registration. Applicants who practise building engineering can now choose a discipline for registration with APEGBC that matches their area of practice. Eng.L. to P.Eng. Bridging Pilot Extended The Limited Licence to Professional Registration Pilot Bridging Program was launched in March 2016, with 13 Eng.L.’s applying to

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* Source: The Canadian Trade Commissioner Service (


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