INNOVATION November-December 2016

f ea t u r e s

Weighted average greenhouse gas intensity for new buildings in Vancouver, from Policy Report Development and Building RR-2 . Historic emissions for specific building types are estimates, as current energy-efficiency regulations do not control directly for emissions.

2. City-led building projects will demonstrate zero emissions building approaches where viable. 3. The city will develop tools to catalyse leading private builders and developers to demonstrate effective approaches to zero emissions new buildings. 4. The city will build industry capacity through information-sharing tools and

development of a centre of excellence for zero emissions building to facilitate removal of barriers, knowledge sharing, and skills development.

Rezoning Requirements With the rezoning requirements coming into effect this May, the first buildings that could pursue the plan are those currently undergoing rezoning.

The plan outlines requirements for the most common building rezoning types in Vancouver. New residential development is estimated to eventually encompass 82 percent of the built area. New office development will comprise one to two percent of built area, while other commercial development will comprise 16 percent of the built area. The plan outlines three high-level target outcomes for both residential and non-residential rezoning projects: zero-emissions buildings, healthy buildings, and resilient buildings. Ten requirements apply to each of the outcomes. Many requirements are similar to previous rezoning requirements or to LEED rating- systems credits. In addition, non-residential projects will need to certify as LEED® Gold. Residential buildings will no longer have LEED requirements. Further research and analysis are required before recommendations are

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