INNOVATION November-December 2017



Motion 5: That Council consider: 1. Establishing a task force in collaboration with the assembly of BC First Nations to review the recommendations contained within the Truth and Reconciliation Committee (TRC) report with the intent of determining how Engineers and Geoscientists BC can help to facilitate the recommendations within the mandate of the Act as well as within the context of the Code of Ethics. 2. Develop guidelines for members to ensure that professional conduct and professional services performed and delivered by members are consistent with the recommendations of the TRC report and/or help to facilitate the intent of the recommendations. The motion was carried. Motion 6: That Council give consideration to creating a task force to prepare a guidance document for the provincial government to establish tolerable levels of landslide risk with respect to residential development within BC. The motion was carried. Motion 7: That Council consider advocating to have the Act changed to allow Members-in- Training to vote. The motion was carried. Motion 8: That Council consider developing an award for organizations who support diversity and promote recruitment and advancement of women in engineering and geoscience. This motion supports the 30 by 30 initiative. The motion was carried. Motion 9: That Council consider reading the names of the deceased members at the AGM. The motion was carried. INTRODUCTION OF 2017/2018 COUNCIL President Stewart introduced the association’s president for 2017/2018, Caroline Andrewes. President Andrewes took the oath of office, introduced the members of the 2017/2018 Council, and presented the gold foil disk recognizing Past President Bob Stewart with life membership. Past President Stewart announced the date of the 2018 conference and AGM in Vancouver, BC, October 18-20, and adjourned the meeting. j

association’s auditor for the next fiscal year ending June 30, 2018. GREETINGS FROM GEOSCIENTISTS CANADA AND ENGINEERS CANADA Geoscientists Canada president, Jeff O’Keefe, P.Geo., FGC, and Engineers Canada President, Russ Kinghorn, P.Eng., FEC, brought greetings to the assembly from their respective organizations. IN MEMORIAM The assembly observed a minute of silence to acknowledge association members who passed away during the previous year. Booklets listing the names of the departed were provided. MOTIONS BROUGHT FORWARD BY MEMBERS Members presented motions for the consideration of Council. Motion 1: That Council consider publish- ing the salary ranges, as referenced in the “APEGBC Staff Compensation Policy,” for all positions that have a “reference salary” greater than $75,000. The motion was defeated. Motion 2: That Council consider publishing in the financial reports the total compensation (salaries plus benefits) for all staff who receive over $100,000 per annum, as well as their reimbursed expenses. The motion was defeated. Motion 3: The motion was withdrawn. Motion 4: That Council consider taking the necessary policy and procedural steps to develop a timely plan of action that achieves the objectives under: • Engineers Canada’s policy of 30 by 30 which is aimed at enhancing women’s engagement in the engineering profession, and • Engineers and Geoscientists BC’s Human Rights and Diversity Guidelines which are aimed at improving inclusivity and respect in engineering and geoscience workplaces. The plan of action may include but not be limited to: • Appointment of a special committee • Approval of designated line-budget item; • Targeting of major public/private employers of professional engineers/geoscientists in a public awareness program of the need and possible benefits of the action plan. The motion was carried.

The 2017 Annual General Meeting of Engineers and Geoscientists BC was held October 21 in Whistler, BC. In addition to guests, members- in-training and students, 120 professional members attended the meeting. 2016/2017 association president, Bob Stewart, P.Eng., chaired the meeting, acknowledging the unceded shared traditional territories of the Squamish and Lil’wat Nations, on whose territory the meeting was taking place. He then introduced video greetings from Premier John Horgan on behalf of the BC Government. A motion to approve the agenda was carried. Parliamentarian Eli Mina was introduced, and the Chair of the Governance Committee, Mike Wrinch, P.Eng., FEC, made a motion to propose meeting rules for the 2017 meeting. This motion was defeated. A motion to adopt the previous year’s meeting rules (2016) was proposed and approved. A motion to approve the minutes of the 2016 AGM was carried. ELECTION RESULTS The Chief Scrutineer for the 2017/2018 Council election, John Watson, P.Eng. (Hon.), reported on the process for the election, confirming that he and his fellow scrutineers were satisfied that the election was held in a confidential, fair, and impartial manner. He then announced the results (see page 8) . A motion to destroy the ballots at the end of three months was carried. ANNUAL REPORT AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS PRESENTED President Stewart, and CEO and Registrar Ann English, P.Eng., reported on activities from 2016/2017. This was followed by a report presented by Councillor John Turner, P.Ag. (ret.) on behalf of the four government appointees to Council. Councillor Ken Laloge, CPA, CA, TEP, provided a summary of the association’s financial statements, reporting on the results of the audit. He stated that, in the committee’s view, the Financial Statements and Notes presented in the 2016/2017 Annual Report were a fair and accurate representation of the association’s financial dealings for the year ending June 30, 2017. The assembly passed a motion to appoint PriceWaterhouse Coopers LLP, Chartered Accountants, as the

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