INNOVATION November-December 2021
P hoto : UBC O kanagan
about 120 grams or four ounces. It’s very effective and it’s not costly—the prototype actually cost less than $50.” As soon as it was announced, “and the news got out about the device, I starting getting so many phone calls, emails. It really pushed a button for people from all over and all sorts of ages, 45 to 85. They told me ‘we need this, we want this technology, please give it to us now.’ They are not happy with the way they have to live and are desperately searching for solutions.” The next step, Mohammadi said, includes extensive clinical trials and further refinement of the device’s design. “It’s a bit bulky right now and the look of anything you wear is important. No one wants to look like a dork. So we’re working on making it attractive and comfortable so people will actually want to wear it.” His best estimate right now is that the hand tremor attenuator will make it to market in less than two years. “Sometimes,” said Mohammadi, “you can solve a huge problem through an effective engineering design. Sometimes, your solution can change the world. I think what we’ve done with this project might change the world for people with Parkinson’s and essential tremor and the people who live with them. It’s a very simple idea, but it has that kind of potential. My heart was so touched by all those calls and emails I received from people who are suffering now, and I feel that this is maybe my payback. With this invention, I am paying back some of what I have gained from this country, from Canada. It makes me feel like a proud Canadian.”
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