INNOVATION November-December 2022


to increase plantings to further restore the estuary habitat between the roundabout and the marine spit to mitigate any impact of the walkway, and to remove any invasive species in the estuary habitat. As the walkway is on the shoreward side of the roundabout, it will be constructed on piles to maintain the natural beach profile, habitat, and connectivity. This makes it the most exposed piece of infrastructure, so the design needed to consider the potential for complex wave and impact forces associated with sea level rise and storms. When asked about the most interesting or innovative aspect of the project, Bob Weir replied, “It might be the walkway and viewing platform that are yet to be built.” The walkway design resembles a finning salmon, and Weir looks forward to its completion. “The waterfront is a favoured recreational amenity that attracts residents and tourists alike. The completion of the walkway and viewing platform will improve safety for pedestrians and cyclists, draw more users to the waterfront, and support the waterfront businesses,” he said.

protection capable of withstanding the impacts of climate change and sea level rise.” In January, the marine spit was put to the test by heavy winds and high tides that caused severe damage to some of the businesses and residences along the waterfront. Weir reported that the spit “performed extraordinarily well” and that the storm was “a perfect example of it being the right solution.” The ecological benefits are more long-term, with improvements to the ecosystem expected to be evident within the next ten years or so. “There are numerous benefits that will take a while to establish, but probably within a decade that will be quite a nice little ecosystem,” said Matt Palmer. The next stage of the project is an elevated walkway and observation deck over the refuge pool of the coastal spit. The walkway provides connection across the roundabout for pedestrians and cyclists travelling on the muti-use path along Highway 19A. As an additional benefit, it will also provide shelter and shade for a portion of the estuary. Once the walkway is installed, the town plans

construction and limit the amount of time the impacts were felt by the businesses.” FUTURE PLANS “The primary objectives of the project,” said Weir, “were to re-establish the Beach Creek estuary and provide infrastructure

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