INNOVATION September-October 2014

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of a product or facility. LCA models have been developed that allow for this kind of flexibility in their analysis. The automotive industry, for example, has used closed-loop recycling to lower the cost and environmental impact of lead-acid 12-volt starter batteries. According to Kurt Kelty at Tesla, “With supportive regulations and convenient collection, today the recycling process is profitable. Once reclaimed, the lead acid batteries are crushed into coin-sized pieces and separated into component parts. Plastics are sent to re-processors to be made into new products, and purified lead is sent back to battery manufacturers to be reused—a closed loop system. Recycling of lead-acid batteries is now one of the most successful recycling stories of any industry. The EPA estimates that over 90% of lead-acid batteries are recycled, and a typical battery contains 60% to 80% recycled materials.”

Materials and Energy

MatErial Production

closed-loop recycling

Materials and Energy

Manufacturing and construction


Materials and Energy

usE, suPPort and MaintainancE


Materials and Energy

dEcoMMissioning and MatErial rEcovEry and disPosal

open-loop recycling

APEGBC Layout FINAL.pdf 2 2014-09-03 10:11 PM Loops can be used to optimize the use of materials and minimize waste









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i n n o v a t i o n

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