INNOVATION September-October 2014

d i sc i p l i ne and en forcemen t

ii. Mr. Stuchlik may not practice in any other areas of engi- neering unless his work is peer reviewed; iii. The supervision and peer review requirements shall continue for a minimum of 12 months; and iv. Mr. Stuchlik will be subjected to general practice review by the Practice Review Committee. 5. Mr. Stuchlik must pay APEGBC’s legal, investigation and inquiry costs in the amount of $53,328.54 within 6 months of the date of the Panel’s decision; 6. Mr. Stuchlik must pay a fine of $5,000 to APEGBC; and 7. If the conditions in C, E and F are not met, Mr. Stuchlik will remain suspended. Consent orders and notices of inquiry and determination are posted on APEGBC’s website. Further information on APEGBC’s investigation and discipline processes can be found at or by contacting us at 604.412.4869 or

written authorization from a medical health officer or public health inspector before using or operating the sewerage system, contrary to the SDR. The Discipline Committee also found that the sewerage system did not provide a minimum of 20 days emer- gency storage of reclaimed water or an alternate method of dispos- ing of the reclaimed water, and provided for the use of reclaimed water without authorization, all contrary to the MSR . The penalties that were imposed on Mr. Stuchlik are as follows: 1. Mr. Stuchlik is suspended for 6 months; 2. Mr. Stuchlik must return his seal to APEGBC; 3. Mr. Stuchlik is to successfully complete the Professional Practice Examination within 6 months of the date of the Panel’s decision; 4. Following the completion of his suspension, Mr. Stuchlik will have the following conditions on his membership: i. Mr. Stuchlik may not practice in the field of sewerage disposal systems except under direct supervision;

m ember sh i p

B.N.V.Anderson,P.Eng. Mechanical (B.Sc. Alberta ‘85) J.C.Anderson,P.Eng. Mechanical (B.Eng. UVic ‘08) J.C.Arsenault,P.Eng. Civil (B.Eng. Dalhousie ‘05) S.M.Atharudduja,P.Eng. Mechanical (B.Sc. NEDU. of Engineering andTech. ‘01) L.A.Baez,P.Eng. Civil (B.S.Washington, St. Louis ‘96,M.S.Wash- ington, St. Louis ‘98)

NEWMEMBERS PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS A.J. Aburto Gonzalez, P.Eng. Electrical (B.Sc. Calgary ‘07) B.J. Allardyce, P.Eng. Mechanical (B.Sc. Calgary ‘75) M. Al-Sabeh, P.Eng. Mechanical (M.Sc. Quebec, Ecole de Tech. Superieure ‘04) H.E. Amirault, P.Eng. Environmental (B.Sc. Guelph ‘06)

LIFEMEMBERS The following members have been granted Life Membership under Bylaw 10(c1) J.R. Grace, P.Eng. Chemical (B.E.Sc. C.G. Johnson, P.Eng. Civil (B.Sc. Alberta ‘63, B.Sc. Alberta ‘63, B.Sc. Alberta ‘63) R.W. Mills, P.Eng. Structural (B.Sc. Manitoba ‘66) Western Ontario ‘65, Ph.D. Cambridge ‘68)

R.P. Ott, P.Eng. Civil (B.A.Sc. UBC ‘57) S. Plewes, P.Eng. Civil (B.Sc. Alberta ‘82) Z. Skoumal, P.Eng. Mechanical (Inz. Czech Tech. U. of Prague ‘49) D.W. Tully, P.Eng. Geo- logical (B.Sc. McGill, Montreal ‘43) B.J. Vaughan, P.Eng. Civil (B.Sc. (Eng.) Cape Town ‘79) R.M. Webster, P.Eng. Civil (B.A.Sc. UBC ‘71)

R.S. French, P.Eng. Mechanical (B.Sc. Manitoba ‘65) R.G. Harvey, P.Eng.

INMEMORIAM The Association announces with regret the passing of the following members: D.S. Cathcart, P.Eng. Civil (B.Sc. Queen’s U. of Belfast ‘55) R.J. Cathro, P.Eng. Geological (B.A.Sc. UBC ‘59) W.B. Currie, P.Eng. Civil (B.Sc. Manitoba ‘53) J.A. Deforest, P.Eng. Mechanical (B.A.Sc. UBC ‘51)

Civil (B.Sc. Glasgow ‘43) Civil (B.Sc. Aberdeen ‘56, M.A.Sc. UBC ‘63) FGC Geology (B.Sc. Alberta ‘76, M.Sc. Alberta ‘78)

E.C. Irvine, P.Eng.

W.E. Kilby, P.Geo.,

G.W. Morris, P.Eng. Civil (B.A.Sc. UBC ‘66)

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i n n o v a t i o n

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