INNOVATION September-October 2014

A re Y ou An e ngineer r eturning to u niversitY ? Let the Engineers Canada Scholarship Program Help You!

Scholarships to support you on your path to greater knowledge

TD Insurance Meloche Monnex, provider of the home and automobile insurance program endorsed by Engineers Canada, is proud to be associated with the Engineers Canada Scholarship Program by offering three scholarships for 2015. Three TD Insurance Meloche Monnex Scholarships of $7,500 Each scholarship will assist the candidate to pursue studies or research in a field other than engineering. The discipline should favour the acquisition of knowledge, which enhances performance in the engineering profession. Candidates must be accepted or registered, no later than September 2015, in a faculty other than engineering. APPLICATION DEADLINE: March 1, 2015 Application forms are available at or by contacting the Engineers Canada National Scholarship Program at

Manulife Financial Scholarships (3)


Engineering: To enhance expertise in engineering. Applicants must be accepted or registered full-time in a faculty of engineering, beginning no later than September 2015.

TD Insurance Meloche Monnex Scholarships (3)


Non-engineering: To enhance performance in the engineering profession. Applicants must be accepted or registered full-time in a faculty other than engineering, beginning no later than September 2015.

Application form and complete list of criteria at: DEADLINE: March 1, 2015

Building on ENGINEERING* knowledge


Building on


*The term ENGINEERING is an official mark owned by Engineers Canada. ® The TD logo and other trade-marks are the property of The Toronto-Dominion Bank.

*The term ENGINEERING is an offical mark owned by Engineers Canada.


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