INNOVATION September-October 2017

fulfilling the regulatory requirements as a minimum checklist. Growing our ʻwalking’ ability on the safety front will build resilience capabilities in project teams and organizations; vital skills for a faster changing world.” “Since being involved with AME and PDAC initiatives, I’ve noticed a growing appetite for collaboration and knowledge sharing—between companies, government, contractors and consultants. Together we’re encouraging adaptive health and safety practices to help all explorers see with both eyes open. And this is critical—because no one will see it all.” j Article prepared by Warren Mirko with input from Jack Denny; Janice Fingler, P.Geo.; PMP, Peter Holbek, P.Geo; Dr. Ian Paterson; David Thomson, P.Geo.; and Harvey Tremblay.

its members manage their compliance to the various laws that apply to them where they work. This would be a proactive step forward much like requiring a licence before allowing drivers on a public road. The rules still apply but you must demonstrate your knowledge and preparedness to meet them first. CONCLUSION Janice Fingler shares her thoughts as the current chair of AME’s Environment, Health and Safety Committee on the direction the industry is moving towards, and what challenges yet remain: “It’s encouraging that the organizations now state health and safety as a core value. We have the intention and the ʻtalk’ but what can be missing is an ability or understanding of ways to ʻwalk’ that path. As a result, practices can default to applying rules, regulations, and policies from other projects, or

Drillers working on a modern drill rig, using personal protective equipment including hardhats, safety glasses, high visibility coveralls and steel toe boots. The worker above is protected by railings and a fall-arrest system. Photo: Dave Thompson

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