Innovation Fall 2024
Registrant Insights Survey Registrants have positive view of organization’s performance
Engineers and Geoscientists BC’s annual Registrant Insights Survey found that most registrants feel Engineers and Geoscientists BC is performing well as a regulator that is accountable to the public. The survey aims to assess practising registrants’ perspectives of Engineers and Geoscientists BC. It also provides a view of their experience with the organization and its regulatory programs, their perceptions of current initiatives and the organization’s performance, and feedback on opportunities for improvement. When asked how they rated the organization’s performance as a regulator, 72 percent of respondents had a positive rating, broken down as 49 percent saying it was very good or excellent and 23 percent saying it was good. In terms of their reason
for a positive rating, respondents cited Engineers and Geoscientists BC’s ability to provide the appropriate oversight and accountability to keep people safe, followed by good communication and positive views of available resources. Although the survey question was worded slightly differently this year, that’s consistent with 2023 results. For the 13 percent who rated the organization’s performance as fair or poor, most respondents noted dissatisfaction with the Professional Governance Act (PGA) and Engineers and Geoscientists BC’s revised mandate as the main reason. “We are encouraged by the positive feedback from registrants on our performance as a regulator,” said Heidi Yang, P.Eng., CEO of Engineers and Geoscientists BC.
“We understand that the PGA and the new advocacy body have brought significant changes to our profession in the past few years. We are grateful for the ongoing engagement and support of our registrants through The survey, conducted April 8 to May 1, received feedback from 4,237 practising registrants on the following areas: • Understanding Engineers and Geoscientists BC’s mandate • Trust and confidence in the organization • Organizational performance • Level of engagement • Opportunities for better support and communication these times of change.” Survey parameters
Fall 2024
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