Innovation Magazine July-August 2019 Video Test

SUBMITTING MOTIONS AT THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Engineers and Geoscientists BC’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) is an opportunity for members to hear from Council and senior staff on the association’s strategic progress, key initiatives, and financial standing. It’s also an opportunity for members to participate in self-regulation by bringing forward motions for the consideration of Council. Motions may be proposed by professional members (P.Eng. or P.Geo.) or licensees (Eng.L. or Geo.L.). To submit a motion for consideration at the AGM, members or licensees must complete the Proposed AGM Motion Form, found at, by 5:00 PM, September 19, 2019. The form should include the full text of the motion, an explanation of its importance, and how it aligns with the association’s Strategic Plan. The mover and seconder must both be present at the AGM to introduce the motion. Motions submitted in advance of the AGM are published ahead of the meeting, to support informed discussion about the issue raised. Advance submission also allows the association to address procedural issues with the proposed motions’ movers before the motions are presented at the AGM. Members and licensees may also submit motions from the floor at the AGM. All motions must be received prior to the deadline approved by the assembly—usually 10:00 AM on the day of the AGM.

The AGM will be held Saturday October 19, 2019, at 8:30 AM, at the Delta Grand Okanagan Resort, in Kelowna, BC. For more information, visit .

P hoto : D elta H otels G rand O kanagan R esort

NOTICE OF MEETING Engineers and Geoscientists BC 100 th Annual General Meeting Saturday, October 19, 2019 Delta Grand Okanagan Resort, Kelowna, BC 8:30 AM

WEBINARS, NETWORKING EVENTS, AND AN EDIT-A-THON MARK INTERNATIONAL WOMEN IN ENGINEERING DAY Engineers and Geoscientists BC marked International Women in Engineering Day (INWED) with webinars, professional development opportunities, and

the percentage of newly licensed female engineers to 30 percent by the year 2030. To help mark the occasion, Engineers and Geoscientists BC held “The Path To Professional Licensure” webinar on June 17, at which 150 were in attendance. And on June 23 in Ottawa, more than a dozen participants met at Canada Aviation and Space Museum for an Engineers Canada- sponsored course in Wikipedia editing, in the hopes of addressing the fact that only 22 percent of Wikipedia entries on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) are about women. For more information about Engineers and Geoscientists BC commitment to inclusion and diversity, including 30 by 30, visit the association’s newly designed web page, at .

INWED, held annually on June 23, is an annual international awareness campaign to raise the profile of women in engineering and focus attention on career opportunities available to girls in this industry. The theme for INWED 2019 was #TransformTheFuture. Engineers and Geoscientists BC and Engineers Canada are partners in 30 by 30, a goal to raise

networking; Engineers Canada celebrated the day with a novel Wikipedia Edit-a-thon designed to create and edit new and existing Wikipedia articles about women in engineering.

P hoto : E ngineers C anada

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