Innovation Magazine July-August 2019 Video Test
SOLAR ENERGY September 5, 2019 – Vancouver, BC This course will introduce the fundamental knowledge required to design, engineer, and build solar photovoltaic projects in BC. DESIGNANDANALYSIS OF RETAINING STRUCTURES AND SHALLOWFOUNDATIONS September 5 and 6, 2019 – Vancouver, BC This comprehensive foundation engineering course deals with retaining structures, shallow foundations, and excavations. Major emphasis will be on the analytical methods and the problem solving aspects as related to retaining structures and shallow foundations. This course provides you with an opportunity to apply the design procedures to a “real life” challenging geotechnical design projects. AIR POLLUTION CONTROL September 10, 2019 – Vancouver, BC This session will provide you with a basic understanding of an array of important scientific concepts. This course requires basic understanding of common air pollutants, air emissions management, statistics, and impact assessment. LEADING AND MANAGING ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE September 12, 2019 – Burnaby, BC This session is designed for professionals who want to better understand how to adapt to changes and how to lead others more effectively. You’ll understand the impacts change has on employees, and how you can increase your organization’s readiness levels. PRESENTATION SKILLS FOR THE EXECUTIVE LEARNER September 13, 2019 – Vancouver, BC The number one fear for people is speaking in public. While public speaking can be a nerve- wracking experience, it may also be extremely beneficial for your career advancement. Those who effectively speak in public are more inclined to accept leadership roles and are often perceived as better leaders. The objective of this workshop is to help you be a polished, public speaker which can, in turn, enhance your career. INTERACTIVE PROJECT PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT September 17 and 18, 2019 – Vancouver, BC Successful projects result from good time and cost control and effective motivated teams. Both are achieved by using this interactive approach to planning and managing your projects. In the workshop you will get hands-on experience using this team process that can be immediately applied to your projects.
formal presentations and discussions, as well as practical examples based on real-life problems. POWER SYSTEM GROUNDING AND BONDING October 1 and 2, 2019 – Vancouver, BC Grounding and bonding techniques are of the upmost importance in electrical system performance Participants will gain a general understanding of grounding and bonding methods, common issues, and practical solutions. APPLICATION OF PILOT PLANT IN MINEWATER TREATMENT October 3, 2019 – Richmond, BC This course covers the basics of pilot plant and industrial modelling for water treatment plant design, with a focus on the common treatment processes in the mining industry. The course covers the requirements for running a pilot plant, the expected information that could be compiled by conducting a pilot plant study, and the principle of similarities and dimensional analysis to design an optimal small-scale pilot. BUSINESSWEALTHACCUMULATING STRATEGIES October 30, 2019 – Vancouver, BC or Webinar This workshop is intended for incorporated professionals looking for smart and tax-effective strategies to accumulate savings and wealth inside their business. This workshop will offer insight into important information surrounding wealth accumulation and estate maximization for business owners. TIPS ON IMPROVING YOUR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER’S APPLICATION November 5, 2019 – Webinar This webinar is developed for engineers-in-training (EITs) or experienced individuals who are planning to apply for their professional engineer (P.Eng.) designation. It is designed to address the tools and tips necessary to prepare for the competency experience report and to appoint appropriate references and validators. It is a resource for all who intend to apply within the next 6-12 months and a tool for Engineers and Geoscientists BC to facilitate and expedite the P.Eng. application processes. and overall cost. It plays an essential role in personnel safety and equipment protection.
OQM CERTIFICATION TRAINING September 19, 2019 – Burnaby, BC
This full-day session is for representatives from organizations seeking or interested in OQM Certification. It covers the seven quality management requirements in the Engineers and Geoscientist Act and the Engineers and Geoscientists BC bylaws, and how to implement or adapt policies and procedures within your organization in order to become OQM Certified.
PERFORMANCE UNDER PRESSURE September 19, 2019 – Vancouver, BC
Not a stress management program, this session will show you how to increase stress-resilience to deal with the inevitable pressures at work more effectively. This session will give you the tools to survive and thrive in tough situations.
THE STEPS IN OPEN PITMINE DESIGN September 20, 2019 – Vancouver, BC
This course explains important steps in the process of open pit mine design. It reviews and discusses the principles of mine planning and design with examples and practices. EFFECTIVE MANAGEMENT SKILLS: DELEGATION, COACHING AND FEEDBACK September 23, 2019 – Vancouver, BC This workshop will focus on the development and enhancement of strategic and tactical managerial and supervisory skills for managers, supervisors, team leaders, and anyone who is responsible for achieving results through people. Participants will deepen their understanding of motivation, engagement, communication, delegation, and empowerment in this interactive (no role-plays), fast-paced, and thought- provoking workshop. THE VALUE OF INDIGENOUS ENGAGEMENT ON ENGINEERING AND GEOSCIENCE PROJECTS September 24, 2019 – Vancouver, BC or Webinar This session will teach best practices for collaboration with Indigenous communities when working on engineering and geoscience projects on Indigenous land. The session will take a practical approach by assessing a hypothetical project from both the technical and First Nation’s perspective, and finish with a panel of experts sharing their experiences. POWER QUALITYAND HARMONICS September 24 and 25, 2019 – Vancouver, BC This is a practical course in which participants focus on power quality concepts and complete exercises using typical case scenarios. The course will include
CALL FOR PRESENTERS Are you an expert in your field who would like to contribute to engineering and geoscience practice? Engineers and Geoscientists BC is actively seeking members to present on a variety of topics. For more information, please visit . For a complete listing of events or for more information, visit or contact us at 604.430.8035 or 1.888.430.8035.
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