Innovation March-April 2023

“The problem with the carbon capture space is you’re not directly making a product that people want; it’s not like a faster car or a new bridge. We’re basically garbage cleaning for other emissions so you really have to drive the costs out as much as possible to make a go of these things,” he said. Crawford said he anticipates carbon pricing will be in the $100-$200 a

tonne range and is trying to figure out how to build at a reasonable cost. “There is a huge upfront bill to get off the ground and that is a struggle,” he said. In the future, as the project scales, costs would have to be kept down while the amount of carbon capture and sequestration would have to go up. Building rigs offshore would help

to maximize wind-power potential. It also works for global scalability and avoids challenges with land use. There are a number of places in the world where Solid Carbon makes sense, he said, including off the coast of Brazil. Considerations include shallowness of the basalt, proximity to land, and local regulatory environment.

Solid Carbon

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