Innovation September-October 2013

the capital needed for an EMIS or for the implementation of an energy management system, and just as difficult for a local utility to supply incentives for this type of project as there has been no concrete proof, as yet, of energy reduction. The goal is, by the end of 2015, to prove the indicated 5-8% energy cost reduction 2 , 3 as the result of ISO 50001 and the EMIS—a payback of less than two years. Sustainable energy cost reduction is a gift that keeps on giving. Andrew Cooper is a professional engineer and the Energy Specialist at New Gold’s New Afton Mine, based in Kamloops, BC. With the backing of the New Afton management team, Andrew has been instrumental in setting up an Energy Management Information System and in driving the ISO 50001 Energy Management System initiative. Andrew can be reached at He will also be presenting a session at the 2013 APEGBC Annual Conference in Whistler, BC. 2 Peter Therkelsen, Ridah Sabouni, Aimee McKane, and Paul Scheihing. “Assessing the Costs and Benefits of the Superior Energy Performance Program”, 2013 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Industry. 3 Natural Resources Canada, Office of Energy Efficiency, Canadian Industry Program for Energy Conservation, Energy Management Information System (EMIS)

• Baselines and energy performance models for some of the SEUs and energy account centres have been set; • The generation of these baselines and prediction models, facilitated energy budgeting and forecasting for the following financial year; • Cost allocation of energy at month-end has been far easier and more accurate; and • Data for energy studies, as well as for measurement and verification, has been readily available thereby saving time on information gathering. Intangible benefits are where, the author feels, the biggest value has been. New Afton was the first mine in Canada, possibly North America, to undertake the implementation of ISO 50001, and this has generated a good deal of positive PR. This is validating the company commitment to corporate responsibility and sustainable energy management. More importantly, though, from an employee perspective awareness around energy management has increased. Summary ISO 50001 will assist New Afton in operating as efficiently as possible, continually improving and utilizing available resources as responsibly as possible. The next two years, however, will be all about proof of concept. It has been difficult in the past to justify

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