Innovation Spring 2025


Professional or technical presentations, such as those offered at Engineers and Geoscientists BC’s Annual Conference, can be used towards CE Hours. P hoto : W endy D P hotography


CE reporting reminders Review the CE Program page for a detailed list of requirements including a breakdown of requirements for new registrants and registrants who have reinstated practice rights. • Training activities, such as a professional development seminar, course, or workshop • Activities that expand the registrant’s knowledge, skills, and judgment Eligible CE activities Any learning activity can count towards CE Hours as long as it is relevant to the registrant’s area and industry of practice, will help maintain their skills or knowledge, and is outside of their day-to-day work duties. Examples of eligible CE activities include, but are not limited to:

• Activities that promote peer interaction and provide exposure to new ideas and technologies that enhance the profession and serve the public interest • Presentations of a technical or professional nature that are discretionary and outside the registrant’s normal job functions (multiple deliveries of the same presentation count as only one presentation) • Activities that expand or develop the technical knowledge base in the disciplines of engineering or geoscience

Review Engineers and Geoscientists BC’s CE Resources page for more examples of activities that can be used to fulfill CE Hours.

Innovation Spring 2025


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