Innovation Spring 2025
• create or maintain adequate project documentation regarding the design and construction of the sewerage system. During the suspension period, Mr. McGinn was required to successfully complete the Professional Engineering and Geoscientists Practice in BC online seminar, and several Engineers and Geoscientists BC webinars. Six months after the suspension period ends, Mr. McGinn must undergo a practice review conducted by the Engineers and Geoscientists BC Audit and Practice Review Committee. Mr. McGinn agreed to pay $2,500 toward the legal and investigative costs of Engineers and Geoscientists BC. considered under both the EGA and PGA . Mr. Buchmayer agreed that, contrary to the EGA , he engaged in the practice of professional engineering without supervision when he prepared the design for the project. Mr. Buchmayer also agreed that he demonstrated professional misconduct contrary to the PGA in relation to the installation of the project. Mr. Buchmayer was reprimanded by Engineers and Geoscientists BC. Mr. Buchmayer agreed to complete the Professional Engineering and Geoscientists Practice in BC online seminar, and several other Engineers and Geoscientists BC webinars within 30 days of the effective date of the Consent Order. Mr. Buchmayer paid the maximum fine that can be imposed on a trainee of $2,000 and an additional $2,000 toward the legal and investigative costs of Engineers and Geoscientists BC.
In an October 30, 2024, Consent Order, Leslie Sean McGinn, P.Eng., admitted that he demonstrated unprofessional conduct in relation to the engineering services he provided for a wastewater sewerage system in Powell River, BC. Mr. McGinn’s registration with Engineers and Geoscientists BC was suspended for three months, starting November 13, 2024. Mr. McGinn was retained to provide engineering services for a wastewater sewerage system in Powell River. The design Mr. McGinn prepared and authenticated for the project was deficient and failed to comply with the Sewerage System Standard Practice Manual, Version 3. In the Consent Order, Mr. McGinn admitted that he demonstrated In an October 30, 2024, Consent Order, Mitchell Jared William Buchmayer, EIT, admitted that he acted contrary to the Engineers and Geoscientists Act ( EGA ) and the Professional Governance Act ( PGA ) in relation to the engineering services he provided for a floating steel staircase for a home in North Vancouver, BC. In 2020 and 2021, Mr. Buchmayer
professional misconduct related to the project and that he acted contrary to the Engineers and Geoscientists BC Bylaws and Code of Ethics. Mr. McGinn agreed that, among other things, he failed to: • select an appropriate sewerage system that would ensure an even distribution of effluent; • provide adequate information for the design of the sewerage system including the slope of the ground, the distance to potential seepage breakouts, and surface water drainage features; • adequately conduct, or in the alternative, document field reviews; • adequately supervise the construction and installation of the sewerage system; and
DISCIPLINE NOTICE: MITCHELL JARED WILLIAM BUCHMAYER, EIT designed and installed a floating steel staircase for a home in North came into force. As a result, Mr. Buchmayer’s conduct was
Vancouver, BC. Mr. Buchmayer was not directly supervised by a professional engineer on the project and as an engineer-in-training, was not permitted to engage in the reserved practice of engineering. Mr. Buchmayer’s work on the project took place when the EGA was in force and after the PGA
Spring 2025
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