Innovation Summer 2024


2024 AGM moved to a weekday

The 2024 Engineers and Geoscientists BC Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on a weekday this year: Wednesday, October 16, at 2 p.m. Historically, Engineers and Geoscientists BC’s AGM has been hosted on a Saturday morning, following the Annual Conference events. But, it was challenging for speakers and registrants to attend outside business hours. To address this, at its April 19 meeting, the Board agreed to move the AGM to a weekday. The AGM will fall before the events of the Annual Conference, October 16-18. The AGM is an opportunity for registrants to hear from the Board and senior staff about the organization’s strategic progress, key initiatives, and financial standing. It also provides an opportunity for registrants to bring forward motions for the consideration of the Board. The AGM will be conducted using a hybrid format, allowing registrants to attend online or in-person in Vancouver, BC. All registrants are encouraged to attend and participate in the AGM. Students, and members of the public are welcome to attend as observers. All participants must pre-register to attend by October 8 at 12 p.m. Limited late registrations will be accepted, as space permits. All registrants are eligible to submit and vote on AGM motions. The deadline for submitting motions for consideration is 5 p.m. on Saturday, September 14. For more information on the AGM, the motion submission process or to register, visit .

Board discusses additional funding for advocacy body At the April 19 Engineers and Geoscientists BC Board meeting, the Board discussed whether it should increase the seed funding for the BC Society of Engineering and Geoscience (BCSEG), the advocacy body for engineers and geoscientists. A registrant motion from the 2023 AGM requested the Board consider increasing the funding for BCSEG from the $250,000 that had been allotted. However, when approaching the request, the Board decided that more information was needed before making any final decisions. Board members noted that Engineers and Geoscientists BC has a vested interest in the viability and success of BCSEG. However, they felt it was prudent to wait until BCSEG established a financial and strategic plan so funding could be based on their business case. BCSEG was incorporated in April and the organization is working on its strategic vision. Updates are available on the BCSEG interim website ( ) and on the Engineers and Geoscientists BC website ( Programs-Initiatives/Advocacy-Body ). The Board deferred its decision to provide additional funding for BCSEG until more financial information is available. Photo: Rasadonyinde/Shutterstock.

Innovation Summer 2024


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