Innovation Summer 2024


FAQs: ASTTBC reserved practice

remains the same and will not be impacted (see page 6). Engineers and Geoscientists BC registrants will be able to continue practising in

Your top questions answered about reserved practice for ASTTBC registrants. Why is this happening now? Individuals who choose not to register or renew their registration with ASTTBC are not accountable in the way that government contemplated when ASTTBC was brought under the PGA , which is contrary to the public interest. The Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills views this issue as a priority and is committed to advancing reserved practice for ASTTBC registrants. What scope of work will be in the reserved practice of applied science technology? The precise scope of work is being defined, guided by four policy statements. As per policy statement number two (see page 6), the scope of reserved practice for ASTTBC registrants will not include work that falls within the reserved practice of professional engineering; rather, it will come from work that is currently in the public domain (e.g., work that can currently be done by a non-registrant of ASTTBC). Will the reserved practice of engineering change? No. The policy statements guiding the development of reserved practice for ASTTBC registrants confirm that the reserved practice of professional engineering

the new reserved practice of ASTTBC. What role is Engineers and Geoscientists BC playing?

Engineers and Geoscientists BC has been collaborating with ASTTBC and the Office of the Superintendent of Professional Governance on this issue for the past three years. We intend to continue working actively with both organizations as well as the Ministry of Post Secondary Education and Future Skills to ensure the framework is specific enough to delineate the boundaries between each profession, and that areas of potential risk or confusion can be addressed. Will registrants be consulted? The Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills has committed to sharing the draft regulation for consultation once it is complete. Engineers and Geoscientists BC also intends to gather feedback from registrants and firms as this work progresses. If you have relevant experience related to how engineers and technologists work together that would inform how the area of reserved practice could be defined, please email .

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Summer 2024


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