Innovation Winter 2024.25


At this year’s Annual Conference, registrant feedback was collected at the Engineers and Geoscientists BC booth and through an online survey for virtual attendees about how registrants want to engage with Engineers and Geoscientists BC. Registrants were asked to rate the topics they deemed most important. They were: • Climate change and sustainability (74 percent) • Governance and regulatory programs (46 percent) • Artificial intelligence (40 percent) • Engineering and technical knowledge (39 percent) • Practice guidance (31 percent) “One of the most rewarding aspects of the conference was the opportunity to speak directly with registrants.” said Tara Bushman, Manager, Communications. “Hearing registrants’ perspectives and ideas reinforced our shared commitment to protecting the public and the environment, and we are eager to explore collaborative Registrants weigh in Engineers and Geoscientists BC also wanted to understand how registrants wanted to provide their feedback. The preferred methods were: • Surveys (52 percent) • Virtual town hall meetings (28 percent) • In-person focus groups (25 percent) • In-person events (24 percent) This information will assist the organization in its registrant engagement strategy. Next Steps As the organization analyzes the feedback and develops an engagement strategy, registrants will be updated on the progress through eNews and Innovation . If you would like to be included in engagement initiatives, please email: Enterprise or Falcon? For fun, registrants at the booth were asked who they thought would win the battle between Star Trek’s Enterprise and Star Wars’ Millenium Falcon. Star Trek’s Enterprise triumphed with 47 votes against the Falcon’s 39. opportunities that align with these goals.” Preferred methods for feedback

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Winter 2024/25


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