Innovation Winter 2024.25


stressed the key focusses of the society are to promote, support and enhance the professions, advocate for the collective benefit of the members, and help members achieve professional excellence. She said the society hopes to include professional development as well as public outreach and awareness, enveloping events such as Science Games, which had been under the auspices of Engineers and Geoscientists BC. Attendees also hoped the annual award ceremony would return. • An update on the work of Geoscientists Canada, brought forward by Paul Hubley, P.Geo., CEO, and Antigone Dixon- Warren, P.Geo., Director. Appointments • Audit and Practice Review Committee: Kuan Ming (Gary) Chen, P.Eng. • Credentials Committee: Stephen O’Leary, P.Eng., FEC; Kevin Riederer, P.Eng., Struct.Eng. Board meeting information Board meeting dates, agendas and

have time to review financial information before motions are due. Questions also arose about the registration process and timelines. Chief Regulatory Officer David Pavan, R.Ph., explained that, while some applications take longer than others, the goal is to have applicants through the process in six months. BCSEG Katie Au, P.Eng., Vice Chair of BCSEG, gave an update on the society, noting the work of the volunteers over the past year. She

Registrant questions Almost 30 registrant questions were fielded by Engineers and Geoscientists BC staff pertaining to issues such as the organization’s relationship with safety authorities, support for sole proprietors and working on licensing provincial ministries as firms. A question was raised about the timeline between when the financial statements were made public and the deadline to submit motion requests. It was noted that registrants should

Board highlights: September 20, 2024 The following are the highlights from Engineers and Geoscientists BC’s Board meeting September 20, 2024. Audited financial statements The Board received the report of the Finance, Audit and Risk Performance Indicators, which measure Engineers and Geoscientists BC’s progress in achieving the goals and

objectives of its Strategic Plan. A total of nine KPIs have been developed to date that measure 16 metrics. • The new Professional Practice Guidelines – Security Critical Software, version 1.0 , which will be slated for publication following editorial and legal review. • An updated Territorial Acknowledgement Policy, which will guide Engineers and Geoscientists BC staff, Board members, and volunteers in respectfully acknowledging a given First Nation at meetings.

Subcommittee and approved the organization’s audited financial statements for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2024. The complete audited financial statements are available in Engineers and Geoscientists BC’s Annual Report (see page 14). Board and subcommittees The Board approved an update to the Board Composition Matrix and the Board Subcommittee Composition Matrices. These documents identify priorities and gaps for the Board and each of its subcommittees in terms of the relevant skills and experience it needs in prospective candidates to ensure a balanced view. The changes bring consistency to the matrices, include a more relevant mix of skills and attributes and communicate those more clearly, and incorporate the need for diverse perspectives and backgrounds. Other reports The Board received reports from staff and representatives on the following additional topics: • The organization’s Key

minutes can be viewed online.





Innovation Winter 2024/25


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