INNOVATION January-February 2012
Quality Management Guidelines – Retention of Project Documentation Pursuant to Bylaw 14(b)(1), these guidelines discuss retention of project documentation, the types of documents that should be retained, and keeping good professional records. They also deal with the many issues surrounding the creation, issuance and receipt of documents; their coding and naming; their revision; their filing, archiving, storage and destruction. Quality Management Guidelines – Documented Checks of Engineering and Geoscience Work Bylaw 14(b)(2) requires a written quality control process, appropriate to the associated risk, for the documented regular checking of all engineering and geoscience work. These guidelines expand on the purpose of checking, and on the requirement levels and the qualifications of those involved in checking. They further provide guidance in establishing an appropriate quality control process and options on what may be included in such a process.
Quality Management Guidelines – Independent Review of Structural Designs When it comes to structural engineering, the notion of “concept review” has made way for the documented independent review of structural designs prior to construction. The corresponding guidelines, drafted in consultation with the Structural Engineers Association of British Columbia, expand on the requirements found in Bylaw 14(b)(4). The relationship between independent reviews and regular checks, and the incorporation of the former into the latter, is also discussed. Quality Management Guidelines – Documented Field Reviews during Implementation or Construction Relating to Bylaw 14(b)(3), these guidelines first describe the purpose and intent of field reviews, who can perform them, how often and when they should occur, what they should include, and what records should be kept. They also deal with issues that most field reviewers will recognize such as what to do if an APEGBC professional is not engaged for field reviews and how issues found during field reviews should be addressed. Finally, they identify that field reviews apply equally to processes during the implementation of engineering recommendations or decisions, as well as in the more traditional reviews for construction or installation of engineering designs. These six quality management guidelines were developed as companions to the upcoming OQM Manual and will be applicable to all APEGBC members and licensees once approved by Council. It is anticipated that the quality management guidelines will come into effect in Spring 2012. v
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