INNOVATION January-February 2012
c ounc i l repor t APEGBC’s Council of elected members and government appointees regularly meet throughout the year to conduct the business of the Association. The following are highlights of the December 2, 2011 meeting of APEGBC Council. Council Joined by Four New Members Four new members were welcomed to the Council table this Fall: Herb Hawson PEng FEC, Donna Howes PEng and Dr Michael Wrinch PEng (previously on Council 2008- 2010), and government appointee Dr Sheila Wynn. Members of Council who were not present at the AGM in October were then sworn in with the oath of office, with Coun- cillor Vic Baker declining to do so. PTech Framework Development Group Presents Interim Report In June 2011, the Councils of APEGBC and the Applied Science Technologists and Technicians of BC (ASTTBC) appointed a PTech Framework Development Group, composed of equal members of both association councils, to advise on the options and preferred alternative for the development and regulation of the Professional Technologist (PTech) designation in BC. The Group met six times between July and November 2011 to develop a concept for a Professional Technologist that would contribute to public interest and safety. The Group has made progress, but has not yet completed all of its deliverables. At the December meetings of the ASTTBC and APEGBC councils respectively, an interim report was presented that summarized the work of the Group and presented a concept for the development and regulation of PTech. The concept was approved in principle by both councils, as was the undertaking of formal stakeholder consultation to provide input to shape the future direction of the PTech concept, including benefits, opportunities and concerns. Following stakeholder consultation, the final report of the Group is intended to be submitted to the councils of both associa- tions by April 15, 2012. Registration Process Re-engineering Review The Registration Process Re-engineering Task Force was created to advise the DECEMBER 2, 2011
Registration Committee on an improved and more effective experience review process for new PEng applicants. Council received the Task Force’s final report which made further recommendations beyond those approved previously by the Registration Committee and Council. Based on the recommendations, Council approved a number of policies and procedures. • Policy on Fairness of the Review Process – This new policy will increase the fairness of APEGBC’s Review Processes and bring them into compliance with fairness requirements that have been adopted in other jurisdictions (Ontario, Manitoba, and Nova Scotia). • Policy on Screening of Looking-to- Exempt Interviewees – Applicants fitting the low risk referee profile will be treated as academically qualified applicants. Implementation of this policy is expected to reduce Looking-to-Exempt interviews by 37% and reduce volunteer and staff time in support of affected applicants by 90 and 45 hours per annum respectively. • Limited Licence New Applicant Process – These changes to the application process for new limited licensees allow for greater efficiency. • Guideline for Satisfactory Experience: Application of Theory in the Mining Industry by Area of Practic e – This docu- ment provides guidance for experience assessment in the mining industry as a part of the application process. To support stronger member participation and understanding of the regulatory pro- cess, Council approved a Bylaw Consulta- tion Policy that establishes a consistent approach to gaining member feedback on proposed bylaws prior to a membership vote. Based on the nature of the bylaw, this policy outlines methods for members to participate and provide feedback. Mem- bers can expect this process to commence early in 2012. Alternative Complaint Resolution Bylaw In 2008, the Engineers and Geoscientists Act was amended to permit Alternative Complaint Resolution (ACR) of discipline cases. The Discipline Committee supports Council Approves Consultative Bylaw Development Process
successful as an efficient and effective means of resolving discipline cases and protecting the public interest. While the Act envisaged and authorized an ACR bylaw, as yet no bylaw exists. A draft bylaw was submitted to Council by the Discipline Committee, which will address common issues and considerations that are not covered by the Act . These include the form of ACR (mediation, negotiation, other), the Association’s involvement in the mediation, payment for the process, and publication of the consent order. Council approved the proposed ACR bylaw in principle and referred it back to the Discipline Committee to determine the methods for consultation, in accordance with the Bylaw Consultation Policy. Task Force on Building the Engineering and Geoscience Community Presents Interim Report APEGBC Council established the Building the Engineering and Geoscience Com- munity Task Force to review and develop strategies to engage members in disci- plines outside of the five major practice areas of civil, mechanical, electrical, chemical, and structural engineering. Since beginning work in early 2010, the Task Force has targeted seven groups for study: pioneering engineers in research and development fields; public sector non-member engineers/geoscientists; industrial non-member engineers; electri- cal/software engineers; project manage- ment engineers/geoscientists; geoscience educators; and members in disciplines that are new or have few members. Lead- ers and practitioners in each group were interviewed to identify areas for opportunity and engagement. Based on information gathered from these groups as well as from other regulators, the task force developed a list of potential initiatives to engage each group. the task force will be finalizing their work over the next three months and will be bringing a report and final recommenda- tions to Council in March 2012.
AGM Motion on Publication of Audit Changes
The following motion was passed by the members in attendance at the 2011 AGM:
That Council consider publishing in the current Annual Report all audit changes, with explanations
the continued use of ACR. Mediation processes to date have been very
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